
I want you to know that I have no clue who Sean or Troy are but I know who you are and I would wait in a long line for you to sign my poster of you.

made a burner account cos i had to tell this story:

a couple of years ago, a friend and i were WASTED at a bar for some coworker of hers’ birthday party. i didn’t know the person whose party it was (like i said, we were hammered), but we did manage to enough to notice kanye west and jay z among the attendees. the

I went to see a screening of the second Boondock Saints film (for all its deep and obvious flaws, I have an abiding fondness for the original, entirely because of the gorgeous men and all the homoeroticism) that included a panel discussion with Troy Duffy and a few of the actors afterward. The move was so awful I

Or you act like every intelligent American and eat what you want and take the rest home. I would much rather have that than being hungry after paying 12 dollars for a meal.

And she seems to think that Tubman’s actions don’t impact modern people, or at least don’t impact modern people as much as Rosa Parks did.

So first, that picture of Raven is great. Because she looks like an ass.

Eh, Jez has always been at least partially a gossip blog. I’m allergic to the Kardashians too, but getting pissed because Jez routinely covers a tabloid juggernaut is just kind of silly.

It is an interesting story, but it kind of weirds me out too. Like here’s this woman wielding Thor’s hammer for the first time, but she can’t just enjoy the rush of power and heroics... she has to get cancer from it. It is a cool story, but a super bummer of a cool story.

“2) No one deserves to be shot. Full stop, no one, never.”

I think you’re in the minority with that feeling.

If so, he certainly had reason to believe there was an imminent threat.

Do u think the dude that shot him in the face recognized him and that’s why he shot him?

Really, shoehorning yourself right in there is the ONLY way to deal with those people... Asking politely or gesturing helpfully does nothing when they’re hellbent on playing stupid so they don’t have to move their shit or close their legs. Just jam yourself in there and they’ll figure it out.

Are you a guy? That would explain why the legs close right up when you plop into an adjacent seat. In my (10 years of daily NYC subway commuting) a guy who is manspreading has absolutely no qualms about pressing his leg against mine. I agree, it might be absentmindedness or even subconscious, but there’s a reason why

Mine too. He claims anatomically that its uncomfortable. But when I had him do it, he said it was because he had to use his thigh muscles to keep his legs together and that was uncomfortable. He could get his legs to parallel without squishing his balls, but keeping them there required effort. MUSCULAR EFFORT. Like,

Yes. I do it when a man is doing it next to me. Fuck him and his need for extra space. I’m not kidding—and this happens to me more on airplanes than on the subway. You don’t get to dig into my tiny spot because you feel you need more room and I happen to be small.

I don’t know about you, but I reject all unnecessary luxuries. “Pamper” myself? Piffle. I never eat out; I make all of my own meals from lentils I’ve grown myself. Nice clothing? Some people don’t even HAVE clothing, you heartless yuppie. I make my own dresses out of discarded newspapers I find on the metro. I don’t

“Hi, I’m Zoe Kravitz, and I’m stunning. This is my father, Lenny, and he’s stunning, too. And here’s my mom, Lisa Bonet, and she’s stunning. Would like to meet my stepfather? He’s stun— well, you know.”

People keep bringing this up. I think the reveal of her sterilization had more to do with her relationship with Banner than it being the crowning moment in her backstory. And as others have repeated, the tragedy of her sterilization isn’t that she can’t have kids, it’s that she had that choice taken away.

Hey, I like Olive. It's a cute little Christmas special. But DOUBLE THAT on the headline!