
Do you believe that this book is contributing to the domestic violence problem in our country? How? Like is it causing women to seek out abusive relationships? Stay in them? Is it normalizing/fetishizing domestic violence and when women read it they go, "oh he's just trying to do Christian Grey BDSM with me, not beat

I'm sure that some people in the know were aware of who she was, but "...pride and joy of the entertainment industry..." ?

I hope she does not make a name for herself. I hope she recovers all her brain function, goes to college, gets a good job, and lives a nice quiet happy anonymous life away from the industry that is known for destroying lives at a breakneck pace.

Everyone will want to adopt this dog once they realize that every time he opens his mouth a Pez candy comes out.

This is the love child of Seth Rogen and James Franco.

Now playing

Haha I actually had this on my Instagram! That was actually one of her most mellow dance routines.

He reminds me of a sloth.


I mean, she doesn't HAVE to look like a potato, right?

It's what cats do, man. They don't just accept the world as it is, like dogs. Cats have strong opinions on everything.

"Hi, motherfucker, get your mouth open, you know you're mine."

Oh god

When I was in college, my roommate and I went to some Halloween party with a girl from our dorm. The next morning, she comes walking up to the common area still in her eighties-prom outfit. We asked her where she ended up staying the night...she lifts up her dress to reveal her yellow thighs and says "Bart Simpson


Well someone needs a hug.

You're totally right; the way in which he has turned down most of his sponsorship opportunities, canceled the reality documentary after negative feedback, performed well in the preseason, and given one interview since being drafted by the Rams (in which he talked about how performing well in the preseason gave him

The case is more than a few years ago, so my recollection may not exactly match the facts, but:

So would Ben Roethlisberger have received a milder suspension if there was a video from the bar that night proving that you know, dude, she was totally asking for it in that skirt.