“E! Snapchat series”
“E! Snapchat series”
Most accurate description, ever. Very fetch.
Misha Barton inspires such an odd mixture of irritation and pity. In my mind she’s a less (formerly) successful and less (currently) interesting version of Lindsay Lohan.
This is the sort of thing that drives me away from whatever Jezebel defines as feminism. Wittes’ column was an honest attempt to grapple with what Kavanaugh’s confirmation means, with the fact that a man he thought he knew might in fact be a terrible person, and an attempt to update his priors on his beliefs. You guys…
I like Athleta’s workout clothing too, except it is so damn expensive for what it is.
None of what you wrote is true or correct. Please don’t further muddy the waters.
I’m surprised that it has taken the public this long to take Alo to task. They feature all white extremely thin models (about a month ago they added a few image of a woman of color to their site for the first time in years). I don’t know why we women don’t take more of a stand on how we spend our dollars.
“And fuck Caitlin Flanagan. Her piece was bullshit slut shaming.”
Slut shaming?
I’d personally say the most unfairly shamed party here is Aziz Ansari. By far. I thought Caitlin Flanagan’s piece was excellent and her description of the Babe piece as basically “revenge porn” was accurate.
I cannot fathom why feminists are defending this story. I thought feminism was supposed to empower women, not turn them into helpless, passive, childlike dolls?
This piece is unreal. I’ve been looking for Jez’s take on this for over 24 hours. They haven’t covered it at all except to say that Babe did it badly. Way to have those tough conversations, Jez
So this is pretty much what we expected out of the #MeToo movement right?
I missed the part where she married Aziz, moved in with him, and had 2.4 of his children. Clearly, it’s the exact same thing as that.
Why didn’t she simply walk out? Why did she blow him? This is clearly a consensual sexual encounter she later regretted. “I didn’t really want to do it, but I did anyway” is not sexual misconduct.
I hate rich people who get richer and are seen as rags to riches somehow
See, I love me a good lip balm for moisture, but I hate gloss and I will NOT go back. It’s sticky and I spend all my time wondering if it’s on my cheek after my hair got trapped in it...
Do we know that this shirt is real? The font looks suspiciously even, like someone just photoshopped it on top of a solid sweater