
Think before you write amigo...

The last animal I saw was a duck, soooooo... that means there are no cats?

They were all wearing black... that counts for something, doesn't it?

Or a Gimp... I mean, c'mon, you gotta keep your Gimp in a secure place.

Now THAT'S funny

Did you have a rainbow sticker on the rear window? I've been looking all over for a Miata convertible (aren't they all?) with a rainbow sticker on the rear window... also one that plays Wham! really loudly. That would be awesome! Can you help me out bro?

Heard that one from Bruce Dern on Fresh Air the other day... aren't you a clever clogs!

Jeez, if I have sex on air force one the day before I'm murdered I really hope you vultures don't get wind of it.

Now playing

Oh she got Mandelbaum? She should have challenged him to a weight lifting contest.

I go with George Carlin on this... better to become a spectator and feign amusement than to try to figure out why humans do so many effed up things. And, yes, an "adult" waiting god knows how long to buy a freakin' toy is effed up. Time to grow up everyone. "Gaming" isn't a thing... it wasting your life.

Wait, is Fisher Price not a good bank? I had better talk to my accountant Billy.

I bet this playa gets all the girls

I wonder if she ever takes that dress off... like in some kind of Seinfeld episode

I think maybe someone should try an unapproved meningitis medication on her... just like those Princeton a-holes!

She's a bighead...

Man hands?

Wait, they have doctors just for eyes now? Sure is fine living here in the future!

Oh don't be so racist!

Exactly, and it hasn't blown up in a hellish fireball once since that day.

You say that like its a bad thing.