

I think you got what you deserved for actually saying "that's my home boy bitch". Fag.

That's pretty funny.

My apologies then.


The chair? Fuck that. They should be tortured, brutally raped with a rusty spike, then decapitated on national television. This is what they undoubtedly deserve but then all the hairy twats in this country will cry about it.

Yup. This has coondoggery written all over it.

So, for you, contact lenses and steroids are the same thing? That's some brilliant logic right there.

"uber fail", "shitwaffle", and "dolt" all in one post. Can someone do all humanity a favor and kill this guy?

You mean like coming to the defense of your boyfriend in the comments section of a sports blog? Is that having a life?

Maybe you should, you know, learn something about boxing before saying stupid shit.

Um, what else would you think of?

"That and im classy"

Took the words right out of my mouth.

Should've shot him.

Well, this story was a complete waste of time.

Yeah, I kinda am.

None of those quotes are funny. Oh, and the gators suck, asshole.

That's because you're a scumbag.

Dude, exactly! Word for fucking word, you are completely right. Who in their right mind would turn this into some woman-hating argument? She's fucking insane.