
Add the word "debate" to the list of words you do not understand.

"So is point that I'm supposedly skirting around that I'm an "overly sensitive, hairy, pussy"?"

Ah, I'm sorry I missed that. Thanks for the advice, though. She seems to be some kind of discrimination troll or something. Either that or she's got a little sand her vagina. Seems to be getting mighty itchy.

Aside from deflecting attention from the point at hand, you don't seem to understand what the word misogyny means. I do not hate, dislike, nor discriminate against women in any way. Calling you a pussy (only a psychopath would think that using that term is a sign of misogyny), is not denigrating to women. I could

God, you suck.


Great, but how does this make you less of an overly sensitive, hairy, pussy?

You can't even detect what my point was in my response to you nor my "Matt Garza is Mexican" comment. So, I think it's safe to say you wouldn't be able to defend your comment against anything, really.

Try again.

I didn't know this was a competition. Unfortunately, you're still an overly sensitive, pussy, so it's safe to say you're not the winner of whatever fabricated "round" you're speaking of. Anyway, see if someone can remove that stick from your ass, maybe you'll be more fun.

Rumpus? Did you slip into a coma in 1890 and just wake up now?

Oh God, stop being such a fucking pussy.

And from where exactly do you think Black people in Jamaica and Haiti originated from?

This guy speaks wonderful English.

"And "cracker" as a racial slur would not have caused this mess"

Man, that's really funny. You must be like a comedic genius or something. How is that one can be as funny as you? Do you have to like really practice at it? Whatever the case is, I'm going to have to write this joke down and tell my friends because it really is SO funny.

Matt Garza is Mexican. Mexicans beat their wives.