
It’s the Taxi Cab Mafia that’s scared shitless of the monorail destroying their Long Hauling business model. That’s why they fought Uber and Lyft so hard and why I will never under any circumstances take a taxi in this town.

He would have overcome his bone spurs by imagining the Vietnam War was behind him.

Take that Usain Bolt!

They aren’t and PDQ makes amazingly good and cheap zucchini fries, so PDQ wins in my book. 

I much prefer PDQ over Raising Cane’s. Options.

Cane’s is the “every couple of months” kind of thing for us. It’s nothing more than tenderloins brined overnight in an MSG based solution. It’s good, but Vegas also votes Taco Bell as “Best Tacos” and has lines around the block for frickin’ In-N-Out (where they can’t

It’s Super Science, Hank!


He thinks he’s adderalldat!

“what might be politely described as very unorthodox approaches to biomedical research”

OMG, this is so, so very inaccurate.

I spent several years at a large aquatic show in Las Vegas that has a huge percentage of former Olympians from all around the world. Olympic Ring tattoos abound.

It’s an all out fuck fest after you’re done with your event.

They setup a projector in the Green Room to show the games

Oh, lookie here at all of the “Less Government, Personal Freedom” MAGAts who suddenly think that a private non-profit organization is somehow beholden to that Gubmint they claims to hates soooooo much and are stockpiling arms against!

Yeah, I can call my wife to let her know to check and see what’s wrong with the unit, i.e., GFCI could have tripped, someone could have unplugged it, temporary power outage, etc.. (I actually don’t know how it would work if it lost power. Since their firmware is designed to shut down simply from having the cord

Yeah, I can call my wife to let her know to check and see what’s wrong with the unit, i.e., GFCI could have tripped,

As noted, don’t waste your money on the Bluetooth only version. Get the WiFi to enable Ice Bath Mode and make perfectly cooked steaks as easy as those dangerous CrockPot recipes!

As noted, don’t waste your money on the Bluetooth only version. Get the WiFi to enable Ice Bath Mode and make

Exactly. Bluetooth is completely pointless. If you’re within Bluetooth range, you’re able to hear the thing beeping. That was lipstick on a pig and there really was no reason for me to upgrade from the Anova One.

Exactly. Bluetooth is completely pointless. If you’re within Bluetooth range, you’re able to hear the thing beeping.

...and yes, the “status” of the cook. Do you never do anything other than steaks? After having a 72 hour short rib cook go south, I find it very reassuring to see what the temperature is if I’m at work or out of town.

...and yes, the “status” of the cook. Do you never do anything other than steaks? After having a 72 hour short rib

no, no, no, no, no!

no, no, no, no, no!

So, did everyone just miss your explanation of the “d” or did you omit it because you didn’t want to defeat your own argument?

“Who was injured?” - read the fucking links.

Stop it with the “What did he do?” nonsense. He violated Utah and Federal laws whilst conducting his business, that’s what he did. This PDF is clearly and visibly linked in the Salt Lake Tribune article: