If by "luck and circumstance", you also include "being able to steal from friends", then I agree.
A story about sand plates vs. a story about a crowd funded (for which, I was the first dollar in the bucket) satellite that will let you send "tweets" and take photos from space and be the first satellite to ever deploy a balloon to de-orbit.
Well, they will have released the iPhone5S with NFC and WiFi Direct by then. C'mon, it takes time for "innovation" like that.
Has anyone counted how many times someone said "this is the best _____ we've ever made!" at the event?
You've heard of this thing called "the iPad", right?
IMHO, this is exactly what I expected. Neat stuff, but nothing revolutionary.
I sincerely hope that all of the LOOKEE HERE, MAW AT THAT WASTEFUL NASA SPENDING slack jawed yokels are not registered to vote.
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I was going to say that, as well.
Despite what we may want to believe, I bet the number of people who still enter "" into a the Google homepage is far, far larger than you want to believe. Heck, show one coworker how to hit to automatically go to the .com of whatever you've entered in the browser's URL box and you'll be regarded as "a…
Well, that's not the Scorpion Car that someone near the Las Vegas Motor Speedway has been building for the past year.
The Wolowitz Coefficient: neediness times dress size squared
It's the exact same reason that the president of the Mirage Casino in Las Vegas made the Executive Chef eat only at the Employee Dining Room for a week: You can't fix it if you don't realize how badly it's broken.
I had to re-read the article a couple of times to distill it down to the "right" way:
On the upside, the Iridium satellites help me convince small children that I'm MAGIC.
LaserDisc was lightyears (hah!) ahead of VideoDisc. It offered both digital and analog soundtracks and had the video fidelity of 1" videotape. Director's Commentary! Alternate audio (My Fair Lady featured the original actors' versions of the songs on the analog track. Audrey Hepburn could not sing very well.)
Although, for deorbiting, it's still easier to use a mylar balloon.