
It’s worse than not caring about black people. W didn’t care about black people as Kanye pointed out. This is different. Trump knows his base is racist. They support black men being murdered by police no matter what the circumstances surrounding it are. He can’t risk condemning any shooting of a black man by police no

But you can get a curved 40-55" 4k tv 2-3” in front of you for less than this and have over double the screen space/resolution.

But you can get a curved 40-55" 4k tv 2-3” in front of you for less than this and have over double the screen

A large curved monitor 2'-3'in front of you is nothing like a curved TV 10'away.

A large curved monitor 2'-3'in front of you is nothing like a curved TV 10'away.

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

Why make up a fictional hull registry number when Roddenberry gave you the perfect identity?

It’ll cost you $90 and whatever dignity you still have left after a couple of years of barfing the phrase “social justice” all over the Internet.

as sad as this is, the real sorrow will come when the hospital staff has to break the news that this election cycle was not part of the hallucination...

No, she’s not. However, she isn’t making a blanket statement about a certain ethnicity that they are all rapists and murderers, making fun of the disabled, denouncing the significance of the work done by veterans, and degrading women like it’s 1936.

I’m pretty sure in one video he admitted to holding a doctorate and working in or around the mining industry. He may talk funny, but he definitely knows his shit. And, refreshingly, he’s willing to learn from his commenters and admit mistakes when relevant.

I left a “Worst fucking hack code ever” comment deep in some reporting software and it has stayed for years. The other programmers find it way too entertaining.

omfg. I recently left in a TODO comment in code: TODO($me): make this chooch.

and if you find it in the comments, it’s in the doobly-doo, as I am, right now.

This post is skookum as frig.

Quick tip:

Also, they’re beads.

I’ll say it: This is the best 2D Metroid since Super Metroid. I followed the project for nearly 10 years, and the love he put into it is on another level.

I can see the fedora in this post...

Tangentially related, there is an Instructable for using milk jugs (the plastic gallon ones) to make a decent mallet, which largely involves melting the plastic to form it into a block, shaping the mallet head, and cutting a handle channel.
