
There is one car guy who comes to mind. He was really a DIY mechanic by necessity; his family didn’t have a lot of money, so whenever something broke, he was the one who fixed it. Appliances, plumbing, electrical, cars, whatever. He inherited a ‘49 Buick Super Eight from a family friend, and that became his project,

Well, we just bought one last month, so maybe I’m tempted to try? (No. No I am not)

This is called a stoppie, not a reverse wheelie. Any self-respecting (??) motorcycle rider will have injured her/himself attempting this idiotic stunt at least once.

FIAT generally calls these a “feature” so you shouldn’t worry about it

Too much front brake bias would lock front wheels first, not lift the rear tires off the ground. Any racer can tell you that. This is a weight distribution problem only.

Are there 10 foot drops in Florida?

Toyota driver, automated carwash. Obviously this person gave up on caring about life long ago. Probably a failed suicide attempt.

But, but, but, but... big gub’mint is the one supposed to fail. Business is perfect and infallible, right?

Didn’t watch, simply because of “Roll Coal”

Thank you for being nicer about this than I would have been. This old “It’s a truck motor hurr durr” nonsense needs to die already.

Fwiw I don’t deny climate change. I just deny the supposed link Maddie is trying to sell.

He said he doesn’t want to be bored:

No it’s not. It’s a dumb FWD ricer car for JDM bros.

HOORAY! NERD STUFF! Jalopnik needs more nerd stuff. Just FYI David, ACAC and LCAC aren’t explained, I have no idea what those acronyms mean, Air Cooled Air Charge? Liquid Cooled Air Charge?

Get up from your desk, every hour, and do a little exercise routine.

Thanks for being that asshole friend we all need. You’re not the, “Help me hide this dead body” friend. You’re the “Leave that crazy bitch alone because she’s going to get somebody killed” friend which is much better.

Well this is not what I expected.

That’s what can happen with wooden props, should have sprung for a Hartzell. Just a power off landing, in which he porposied quite horribly, but nothing to write home about.

You know there’s tons of land out there, outside of cities....right?