I have a Ram 1500 that I use as our family Jeep. It is quick with 405 horsepower and handles much better on and off road, but here I am at 73K miles and I’ve replaced one front Axle, the steering rack, and a steering pump running stock sized Duratracs. I killed my highway mileage with a NFab desert bumper just to…
And a bench seat! This car is a teenager’s dream, imagine taking you and five of your friends everywhere in this cloud.
Opposite there buddy, the cabin has a lower density altitude (higher atmospheric pressure). So the cabin door would in-fact love to just pop off.
More country you say:
Fantastic song Pat-Rick. I’ve been listening to this quite often lately and I love it, the wife calls it the bag-o-dicks song.
It’s not the weight, it’s the tires. They should have bought a couple sets of good snow tires. My RWD Charger was awesome in the snow when I got good tires.
Top one is a Firehawk, the fastest of all the F-bodies. Without the extra plastic and spolier of the TA, especially without floppy tops.
We had two, a T&C and Caravan (2007/2012). They were both fantastic vehicles. I would advise the HD service schedule for the transmission.
Torch, back in 1992 my dad almost bought a basic wrangler just like this except it included 4x4. I was super excited as a kid and we did not give a damn that it was so bare bones, we loved it!(Please ungrey me.)
Talk about a kick ass commuter, maybe in Florida?
I don’t think it would fly without the cannon, she would be a bit too tail heavy.
So no Scatpack or even a 5.7L awd?
just unplug it and stick in the appropriate 35 cent resistor.
Every slow line of traffic in Utah is being lead by a Subaru.