

yeah yeah yeah babes jumps whatever this was my favorite shot

As a Kurd from Northern Iraq, id like to express my thanks and respect to the United States, its army and its people. the help we received has been invaluable and much appreciated. I wish all the success and well being to all your troops fighting in other parts of the world and their families. may your lost ones find

I just threw up in my mouth a little

Google crashed beetle, I dare you.

You know you are a jalop when you have THAT repair manual which is full of awesome cartoons and short cuts to officially official repair procedures. The idiot manual rocks!

I'd like to correct some technical data which is incorrect, if I may. Now, before I get started, I should let it be known that clearly the outcome still exists (the man is injured). Even though all that water weighed 3300 pounds, it's not accurate to say 'imagine dropping a Toyota Camry on yourself from 22 feet

Last statement made me audibly laugh. My coworkers now think I'm insane. Well done, sir!

Raph, I've got the perfect solution:

More problems... Lower HP to weight ratio than the Abarth 500, much more expensive, have to deal with BMW dealerships.

Every single Kia concept since 2010. Seriously, build something other than an Optima

VW has the power to make minivans cool again...


Cadillac and all their big luxury barges