All you guys saying that 8 GB is enough: the RAM in this thing is soldered to the board. You ain't adding more yourself in a year and a half when 8 GB suddenly doesn't feel so adequate.
All you guys saying that 8 GB is enough: the RAM in this thing is soldered to the board. You ain't adding more yourself in a year and a half when 8 GB suddenly doesn't feel so adequate.
This happened when the iPad got a retina screen, too. It lasted for all of a week while developers updated their apps and websites with higher-res content. Not really a big deal.
Windows 8 will have a desktop.
Great minds think alike, I suppose! Congrats, hope it works out well for both of us. I went with the 750W because I wanted to make sure I'd have enough overhead if I decided to Crossfire later on.
Sandy Bridge i7s still start around $300. Spending an extra $100+ wasn't really a "might as well" choice in this case.
Mobo was $109.99 with $10 mail-in rebate from Newegg, proc goes for $199.99 on Newegg but came with a $20 credit (Memorial Day sale) that I put towards the rest of the build. Amazon sells it for $189.99. It's a lower-mid tier Ivy bridge, but if you're not planning to overclock (like me) it's a pretty nice chip for the…
Building a new PC tonight! Today is officially the longest work day ever.
Yeah, the iPad app truly is embarrassingly bad. I really wish they'd put a little effort into that instead of pushing out redundant photo apps.
I can't for the life of me figure out why Facebook seems bent on splitting their mobile service into lots of standalone apps. First Facebook Messenger, and now this—couldn't they just fold all of this functionality into one complete, non-shitty Facebook app?
Resident Evil 4. It's a classic and it will damn sure force her to get comfortable with using twin sticks for 3D movement.
It's my firm belief that there's no such thing as a "cheap tactic" in Demon's Souls, especially with maneater. What a motherfucker that boss is, I think that was the one that gave me the most trouble.
I get what you're saying, but there are plenty of gay people out there who live long, ostensibly heterosexual lives before coming out.
Short answer: No.
I'll let Louis CK explain this concisely, for all you idiots screaming about how this is "racist towards white people" and your delicate feelings are deeply hurt.
But YOU HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO GO TO COLLEGE FOR FIVE YEARS, which in terms of privilege is more than pretty much everyone else on the planet gets. Jesus christ, how do you people not recognize the irony in comments like this? Did they not teach you about irony in your five years of college?
Loved it too. It's a total breath of fresh air and was by turns haunting and hilarious which is a rare thing in a video game. Didn't have much trouble with traps, either. Glad to see I'm not the only one.
Dark Souls was hands down my GoTY in 2011 and might actually be my favorite game of all time. It's also the only game I've ever (ever) put over 100 hours into.
So, it's basically a Galaxy Nexus running TouchWiz? Why is this exciting, again?
I can't even begin to describe how irritated I am by iPhone cases that have cutouts for the Apple logo. WE ALL KNOW YOU BOUGHT AN iPHONE, YOU IDIOTS. Everyone and their grandma owns one now. Do you really have to show off the logo?