
Windows updates caused my computer to get to a state where it was stuck in an endless cycle of reboots where it would attempt to update, revert, reboot and try again. I’ll never use Windows again willingly. Microsoft is a mess.

Now playing

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Redux is now available on Steam. If you already own the rather excellent original, it’s a free update that ports the story driven adventure to Unreal Engine 4, adds a new save system, and removes backtracking from the endgame. Small changes, but welcome ones. Find out more here.

Roses are red

Flash Sale Rayman Origins ($6.79) | Amazing game, good price, I might actually recommend getting a console version for couch co-op though.

Wow, I guess that means the game is well-optimized for Crossfire. I'm running a pair of 6870s and on the "ultra" preset at 1920 x 1080 with vsync on my framerate very rarely dipped below 60 FPS.

Been playing through it on a pretty mid-range rig on Ultra at just a little under 60FPS. Only concession I made was turning Texture Filtering all the way down as I was unable to notice the difference between low and ultra. Also, VSync and Mouse Acceleration off which made the game control much more smoothly.