Uh, I'm usually the first to defend games in the "art/not art" argument, but . . . he's actually kind of absolutely right, y'all.
Uh, I'm usually the first to defend games in the "art/not art" argument, but . . . he's actually kind of absolutely right, y'all.
I don't think anybody's calling portable radios obsolete—it's the cassette tape player that's sort of ridiculous.
Denon headphones deal expired three hours ago . . . now "on sale" for $349 (?!?!). #corrections
This is a known issue with the 1.5 patch, Bethesda has already acknowledged it. Delete and reinstall the Skyrim game data on your PS3. That'll fix it.
This is a known issue with the 1.5 patch that Bethesda has addressed. Delete the Skyrim game data on your PS3 and reinstall it. That'll fix the glitch. See [www.bethblog.com]
Thanks for being apparently the only voice of reason in this comment section. Life is as fulfilling as you're willing to make it. This article seriously reads like it was written by a twelve-year-old. If you don't like Skyrim you could, you know, just not play Skyrim.
Ugh. The only people more depressing than empty suits are the ones who are so self-involved that they've decided their worldview and concept of success are the best and only route to a happy life.
Uh, Valve doesn't seem to have any problem developing for PS3 and XBox. How exactly is iOS different?
I think it's less an issue with PSN and more the fact that Sony has sold something like 1.5 million vitas worldwide and Apple has sold over 300 MILLION iOS devices.
Glad to see they left Max's bizarre constipated Christian Slater face intact.
Jeremy Scott is hilarious and awesome and absolutely not to be taken too seriously. Getting mad at these glasses existing is like getting mad at Alexander McQueen's crazy lobster shoes or Karl Lagerfeld's . . . well, Karl Lagerfeld.
He's talking about the Wii.
• You drink to relieve stress.
This is cool, I guess, but there was nothing in this video that my smartphone can't already do, and, more importantly, nothing that I'd rather not do with my smartphone.
For me (and I can't imagine I'm alone on this) part of what made Dune so brilliant is how unfilmably weird Herbert's world is. I actually think that, in a sense, David Lynch actually came closer than anyone else could to translating Arrakis onto film, even though his movie was, ultimately, a failure.
The thing I really don't understand about all this gnashing of teeth is how, exactly, are tablet and smartphone games hurting core gamers? When did new platforms, new control options, and MORE GAMES become a bad thing? If you hate playing on a touchscreen, don't buy an iPad. It's really not particularly complicated.
For god's sake, when did $15 become such an insurmountable barrier for entry for people?
it's the hipsters that are making the world worse, and I mean hipsters of any kind or brand.