This comment sections is like a genius perpetual motion machine of hilarious unapproved pink comments. I love you, Sam Biddle.
This comment sections is like a genius perpetual motion machine of hilarious unapproved pink comments. I love you, Sam Biddle.
I own an iPad and I will buy the shit out of this and anything else they feel like releasing. Apple has now sold fifty-five million of the things . . . surely there are a few more people like me who are interested in picking this up?
The people in this article are clearly insufferable, but "you should buy a smartphone because if there was a tornado the Twitter app could save your life" is a teeth-grindingly stupid justification.
To all you idiots gnashing your teeth about the ninety-nine-cents-for-extra-levels thing: would you be this angry if they'd just sold you the complete game for $1.99 instead? Be honest.
After waiting for what seems like a million billion years my copy of Silent Hill HD Collection showed up in the mail yesterday. I only played a couple hours of SH2 last night, and I have to say, I'm really conflicted about the "remastering" job they did.
I think you're being overly charitable here—yes, there's no accounting for taste and differing opinions, but there is such a thing as bad art. Boondock Saints is an objectively bad movie.
The A4 chip in the two-year-old iPhone 4 has no problem whatsoever running the show on a 3.5 inch screen with 640 x 960 resolution . . . if the new processor in this thing is an evolution of the already-powerful A5 I see no reason why it wouldn't do just fine with a larger screen.
Sigh. A new iPad comes out once a year. Same with iPhones. And iPads. and MacBooks. And Android phones. And BlackBerries. And HP computers. And . . . wait a second. These aren't all Apple products! What was I complaining about again?
That thing seriously looks like a joke PhotoChop from the Onion.
The price of entry for the lowest-end 16GB model has been $499 for two generations now. Somehow I don't see that changing.
3 reasons I'm nervous about Mass Effect 3:
I'm not sure if you're trolling or just woefully underinformed, but surveys proved quite a while ago that most of the protesters (about 70%, actually) are employed.
I have no way of knowing what protests in particular you've been visiting, but it's unfortunate that you seem to have had such a bad experience. The Occupy Movement absolutely is a criticism of the government, and of the corporatocracy that has seized so much control in the United States with the government's…
I think the funniest thing about him saying "Lords of Warcraft" is that he clearly went out of his way to get the name wrong. Like, he has GOT to know that's not what the game is called, but by mangling it he thinks he'll come off like he's so cool he can't even be bothered to know it.
The only souls you should keep for upgrading weapons are the souls you get from boss demons. The "item" souls you find lying around (soul of a lost undead, soul of a hero, soul of a proud knight, etc.) are just for consuming. You might want to save them for a rainy day, but you won't be missing out on special items if…
Thank you for this.
Well said.
You're awfully condescending in this comment for somebody who equates "Jerry Bruckheimer" with "better stories."