Silent Hill 2.
Came here to say pretty much exactly this. This movie will be a disaster, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why anyone thought it was a good idea to spend the ridiculous amount of time and money it must cost to do the mo-cap and animation when they could have just cast real actors. For that matter, why didn't…
Do we know if you have to buy and download the PSP titles on a PSP?
Wow. Wow! People are seriously disappointed with this?
Don't be so glum. As soon as that big university in West Bumblefuck, Arkansas has an interesting game installation that's open to the public I'm sure he'll be there to report on it.
. . . and it's still ugly as sin.
Do we have any kind of indication of when this will actually be available to preorder? The official Dark Souls site has a description of the limited edition and links to vendors, but the product pages are all just showing the standard version with no mention of the extra content.
You mean so you can immediately rip it onto your computer and then forget you even own the CD?
From Software developed it in conjunction with Sony, so I wouldn't hold your breath.
I haven't played the game (and probably never will) but Eurogamer, which is basically the only reviews site I take even a little bit seriously, gave it an 8/10.
1) Pretty sure that's a woman
Time marches ever onward, friends come and go, seasons change, and clothes go out of style, but I will never, ever, get sick of you guys using that image.
It must be pretty cool to be Ridley Scott and know that because of a movie you made in 1982, any futuristic dystopian city featured in a movie will forever look exactly the same.
All that ugly primer will be gone as soon as Boeing picks up a few more hours at McDonald's and saves up enough for that new candy paint job and ground effects kit.
Dream on.
You don't. Netflix on PS3 doesn't go through PSN. The "sign into PSN" box will pop up a few times, but if you just keep hitting "sign in" it will eventually stop and let you use the app. I've been using Netflix on my PS3 all weekend without a hitch.