
@VideoVampire: The reason your PS3 is backwards compatible (and part of the reason why it probably cost you $400-600) is that it has a PS2 inside it. Sony completely redesigned the internals for the PS3 Slim, so re-integrating that PS2 hardware would require them to completely reorganize their manufacturing process

@Bluedragon07: That part with the two brutes is basically the moment that shit got real for me.

@CuttySark: I mean, your mileage may vary—it's entirely possible I'm just not very good at the game, or haven't been smart with my node upgrades. Still having fun with it, it's just...hard. Really hard.

Anyone else feel like the difficulty curve in Dead Space 2 is like running face-first into a brick wall?

@carrlander: Don't be! It's an amazing, rewarding game that only sort of deserves its scary reputation.

@PlaidNinja: Except that they won't. The PS3 is barely profitable as it is, re-engineering it to include the PS2 components necessary for backwards compatibility would cost a fortune. Not to mention the fact that a significant number of the PS2s being bought today are selling in developing markets. $300+ (or the

@VideoVampire: Why? So they can finally stop making all that annoying money?

@KennyOO7: Looks like you're (probably)

At this point the only thing that could make me retire my PS2 would be Konami announcing an HD re-release of Silent Hill 2 and 3.

It is seriously unbelievable to me that Apple is still dragging its feet on implementing a real, non-ridiculous notification system.

You know, when the title faded and I saw there were still almost thirty seconds of video left, I thought, "Oh, no. They're going to have some stupid monster scream into the camera and spray spit everywhere like the last shot of every game trailer. That's not very Demon's Soulsy. This is disappointing."

@Yankton: So seconded. Also hearted. It's totally baffling to me how often devs shoot for "gritty" and instead end up with "Saturday night at the mall."

@mrjoeyyaya: I don't think that's true at all—in fact, I'd say the complete opposite. Master Chief is a total icon, and he's the closest thing Microsoft has to a Mario or a Sonic.

@Black2key: Take it easy, killer! That shit ain't SFW.

@DivergentRunoff: I'm not saying Dead Space isn't good, it is! I've had a lot of fun with both games. I'm just a little confused by the crazy praise DS2 is getting. Your avatar is from Shadow of the Colossusthat's a game that should (and could!) never be turned into a movie. But are we really saying that Dead Space

Jesus, am I not playing the same games as the rest of you? I've enjoyed just about every minute of both Dead Space and Dead Space 2, but are we really pretending that both games aren't totally shameless Frankenstein monsters made of setpieces and cliches ripped off from horror and sci-fi movies?

@simply_androoo: In all the time they've existed as a studio I don't think From Software has ever made a single concession with regard to game design. I don't know anything about Project Dark—it might be very much like Demons' Souls, it might not—but I think it's safe to say that whatever it's like, it definitely

When telling friends that I've finished Demon's Souls I sometimes conveniently forget to mention that I summoned a blue phantom to help defeat the final boss.

@Pray4Mojo: I hated those guys too, and am happy to report that there are far fewer of them in DS2, and that they're much easier to deal with.

@diabadass: Yikes! Thanks for the tip.