I'm confused. By "standby" do they actually mean "sleep?" If this thing boots as quickly as they say it does can someone explain why I should care about 30 days of sleep time?
I'm confused. By "standby" do they actually mean "sleep?" If this thing boots as quickly as they say it does can someone explain why I should care about 30 days of sleep time?
@Mr. Black: Are you being sarcastic?
@bmaz: What kind of warped moon-logic allows you to equate choosing not to review a phone with censorship?
@darkboy1200: Hot damn. When is that game getting a sequel???
Epicurious is great but the one feature that would elevate it from "great" to "SUBLIME" is some kind of text-to-speech function.
Every time I see that #appbattle tag I always read it and think...
@N00BIES: You're not drunk, though Cisco clearly is.
"One of tech's big promises?"
@Thorax: I'd argue that Demon's Souls actually has a pretty amazing story, it just doesn't really have much of a plot.
Ffffffff when did Lenovo finally pull their heads out of their asses and make Optimus an option on the T series?
@hashashin: Exactly. Good beans, a decent burr grinder, and a Chemex...almost enough to make you excited about getting up in the morning!
@Speedstersonic: Honestly I don't. Anything more than a 15 hour playthrough is just too much for my tiny, Halo-obsessed, Mountain Dew-addled brain to handle!
I cannot think of a better game to port to iPhone.
@hashashin: Sort of—the pot itself is a mostly aesthetic bonus, the most important part is the filters.
People of earth: calling something that looks like a dick "phallic looking" is MAD REDUNDANT. The word phallic already means "looks like a dick" all by itself. Less is more!
Judging from these comments I think we can safely say that one thing all geeks have in common is a raging inferiority complex.
The only people trying harder than hipsters are the nerds that spend time bashing them on the internet.
Prettier, cheaper, and I'd be willing to bet it makes better coffee, too.
German a cappella metal band
Gamers (to make a totally gross generalization) have proven themselves more than happy to spend endless amounts of money on the dumbest game-related shit ever, time and time and time again.