
I disagree. Indies are 90% pixel/art games still. And worst, they’re mostly unoriginal genre repeats or just god awful games hoping to win the lottery. The quality of “Indie” games is just off the charts bad and even the few good ones are often one-hit wonders or retreads of genres.

I feel like work environments should be reasonable and not force employees to exhaustion.

Its fine considering the evolution of social media and society in the last 20 years...

Maybe it will finish after a kickstarter campain by some guy who used to work at square enix when they were still making games instead of chocobo dildos in 2036.

Oh, don’t you worry. This “Episodic Remaster” will never actually be finished, bet.

I can’t make that assessment without seeing how it’s implemented in game. Tone especially is so dependent on context that, at best, I can only say that it’s different.

I’m playing Witcher 3 for the first time now and I was excited to start it and....I am bored out of my mind. It is bad, generic, the writing sucks, the characters are shallow, the combat is mediocre and extremely easy, I completely do not get the hype. I don’t read anything any more I just accept every question/notice

The game was written by an Estonian that’s an ethnic minority, was born into the USSR, and is deeply critical of state-communism. 

I am in my early 30s and have lived in The United States of America for my entire life. I am African-American and me and my family have been victims of the most oppressive and difficult elements of modern capitalism.

Nobody who has suffered under Capitalism, or you know, has read a history book, thinks Capitalism is a good thing. It’s just old burnt out yuppies, dumb Boomers who think they’re oppressed, and actual violent revolutionaries who think Capitalism works. Ask the ghosts of 100 million people who died under its heel in

I love how these people breeze past the problems of capitalism. I’ve walked capitalist countries all over the world and in many - most - I see orphans, with various deformities, begging on the street in the middle of the night, alone. Even the intact families struggle to survive. Don’t even get me started on what

The overpaid head of a company that exploits tax laws across two hemispheres doesn’t want people to think too hard about policy. Imagine that

If she’s going to get worked up about Parker and Stone mocking anyone who isn’t cis white male then she should really hand the reviewing duties off to someone else, since this is exactly what they’ve done from the very beginning.

It’s also a pretty disingenuous statement. I’m Chinese and I’m sure she’s fine when I have woke white people telling me what I should be offended by, like how Iron Fist shouldn’t be white because then the character can fit an Asian stereotype better. Meanwhile, I saw an article on Jezebel where a woman was slamming YA

I don’t think two cis gender white guys from Canada should be discussing the problems of 4th Graders in Colorado. Stay in your lane, canucks! 

I would imagine Semenya would be offended by being compared to a trans woman

This was my take too. I think you get it more than the reviewer.

“if anyone is going to try and discuss what happened with Semenya it should be another Black trans woman, not two cis white guys from Canada”

Iv noticed entertainment writers in this vein will make ridiculous conflations, like comparing Louis CK to mass shooters, or Joe Rogan and Sam Harris with neo nazi waterheads.

Why the hell is the writer saying that the ‘Randy Savage’ look a like is representing Caster Semenya? That’s insane. She’s never identified as male the way the Randy Savage look a like did, and most certainly does not look like Randy Savage. This is clearly an incredibly ham fisted attempt to add racism to the crimes