This was a top ten game of all time for me until the final few hours, would still highly recommend it.
This was a top ten game of all time for me until the final few hours, would still highly recommend it.
The combat is the conversations. Best RPG ever. Love it immensely.
Yeah, and real world humans all descended from central African hunter-gatherers, but we don’t all still look like central African hunter-gatherers.
This event was so painful to watch. Their constant pauses for applause that never came. Can’t believe we are in a point of time where Microsoft Surface event brings more excitement than Apple and Google events combined.
Am I the only person who find the complaint about a lack of innovation to be completely irrelevant? I mean, how many people who are planning to buy Borderlands 3 want it to be anything other than more Borderlands? I know some people are saying “I was burnt out of Borderlands after the first one, part 2 didn’t tickle…
Wow, you learn something new every day. I didn’t even know that unchecked capitalism that was designed by a woman even had dangers!
Ironically, the game Monopoly is a rip-off of The Landlord’s Game, a game that teaches the dangers of unchecked capitalism that was designed by a woman.
Nothing permanent will happen. Twitch has had a “too big to fail” policy for as long as it’s been around.
This is it. Retail is about reaching endgame for the community aspect to start. Classic is about the community being a huge boon towards the journey to 60 where endgame is a higher tier bonus content.
yeah you’ll never get it
Sounds as salty as those who bemoan the current no, I wouldn’t say they said it best.
I remember there was an honest to god academic study done on player behaviors surrounding an early WoW bug that was basically the bubonic plague.
What the everliving fuck is this shit.
one of the most unrealistic things about Tron Legacy was Flynn’s arcade :-)
This is truth.
as a kid growing up arcades were horrible. I would try to go as often as possible, but arcade owners seemed to have distain for kids, and teenagers would shove me around all the time and act like assholes. Fights broke out, A LOT. The arcade resurgence now is amazing because it’s an idealized version of what we all…
...this does just look like a way to profit a quick buck off a well-known brand.
Good, it was time developers grew a pair. SJWs, and jourinalists arent the ones buying their games, its the general public.
Okay as someone who is actually gay, it’s going to take a *lot* more than an shampoo bottle to offend me. This is remarkably silly stuff going on. The level geometry thing miiight be a bit much, but honestly I’ve seen much worse stuff embedded by the developers into old Nintendo games. Crass humor isn’t by itself…
They’re adding a word to English