It’s a very nice gesture when it happens but it doesn’t alter reality. He didn’t write the song, and his guitar is very similar to what’s in the original. It’s a NIN song that he covered.
It’s a very nice gesture when it happens but it doesn’t alter reality. He didn’t write the song, and his guitar is very similar to what’s in the original. It’s a NIN song that he covered.
Why does everyone on this site need companies to make statements they clearly don’t mean or care about? The whole point of a grassroots movement is that you can set the tone; not that you derive legitimacy from something like a board game company of all things.
Yikes. What a dumb take.
while remaining conspicuously silent about Black Lives Matter
They make board games. Who cares?
Stop trying to normalize furries.
You’re allowed to own them. That was never illegal, depending on where you are I suppose. It’s whether or not a company can just dump them somewhere like a public service which did more harm than good.
Why would you willingly put a furry into your video game?
“Support” is an awkward term. There are plenty of games that are fine. People just tire of them. That’s not a lack of support, especially if the servers are still maintained. But it’s also a sort of problem where unless you get in on the ground floor on launch, or even with a preorder, you can’t have what other…
They sell a few keyboard+mouse combos made specifically for sitting on a couch.
Elvira is a badass, powerful woman.
Were there female Viking warriors? Who gives a fuck!
You’re sliding right past the point of the article and giving a nonsense response. Everyone knows about Final Fantasy VII. It shouldn’t be required to play a remake though in order to hit plot points. Having played the original should mean you can appreciate certain scenes in retrospect, but it shouldn’t mean that you…
Your frustration doesn’t quantify very easily, and Microsoft will never be in a position to care. Consumer feedback is a fickle thing, often times feeling useless, but the fact remains that it hasn’t frustrated you enough to dissuade you from buying the system or games on it.
To me that seems like a backward-looking design at odds with the Series X controller’s strange new shape and next-gen power, and especially when compared to the futuristic-looking DualSense.
If this is the theme then you should include Mutant: Year Zero as well.
Sorta like how they embraced Soldier ‘76
The fuck are you going on about? This is concern trolling at its best. Ana has one other skin of her when she’s younger. Soldier: 76 has more. Reaper has one. Doomfist. Genji. Hanzo. McCree. Anyone who has a past with Overwatch has a skin to match. Even Reinhardt. All the missions during this event take place in the…
It’s an event for things that took place in the past. The PvE missions are all from the past, however long ago. Young Genji, young(er) Reinhardt. McCree. Doomfist. Any character over 40 basically has a history with Overwatch and they have a skin to reflect that. Naturally they’re going to look younger.
Calling her a lithe sex-kitten implies that she’s in some skin-tight suit with her tits barely being kept in. That skin is her in her younger days with more clothing than she has in her default skin.