
Want to see people threatened by women expressing openly expressing sexual interest?

Watch the responses to any article about women liking Jeremy Meeks' mugshot.

You know what, I have a question, Dr. Nerdlove. So many of these questions that you address boil down basically to "I treat women like objects, but they don't react like objects. Why?" That is to say, so many of your answers end up needing to include baseline information like "He's not your competition because this

Perhaps you should ask Dr. Nerdlove how to stop yourself from reading them.

My point is the view on Gore and Violence has been normalized while other topics get much more attention in the WHOLE landscape of video games. Learn to be smart.

I love that this shit gets applauded when other sensitive social topics like racism and inclusivity get demonized. I get the importance of wanting to be represented in games though. But shit.... the media slant on out industry is so fucked up. Thanks Tina for challenging this view.

Nope. It will be called "the Orange Box 2" to make sure it doesn't show any 3 on the cover.

Not in Japan. They call it soccer.

I agree to a degree but I don't think living under permanent fear and paranoia of your fellow man is the answer. I'm not trying to shit on your point, I know people's personal experiences temper their disposition toward others and I don't know your life.

Oh yeah, the Mountain is a rapist and a murderer but at least he's not smug. You've got priorities, I see.

"Kids are getting dumber/shitter by the generation."

Yes, misdirect and blame the messenger. That's the ticket.

"Don't run to major geopolitical competitors and peddle secrets to them in exchange for physical security; that makes you a traitor -AND- a delusional idiot."

You can't change things once they've been programmed? Good luck trying to debug anything.

Well that just flipped my preconceptions of Watch Dogs on its head.

I think you mean "bee like She".

that's what She said

Should have just said "What's up, redskin?" to show he values and honors the man's history.