
ME3's criticism was so dumb. ME1 and 2 shoehorned your decisions into the same, physical endings as well. 3 was no different. The idea that players’ simple choices in some dialogues would alter the course of literally the entire galaxy and beyond makes no sense. You absolutely affected the course of events when you

No nod to Silicon Valley at all? What a shit list.

Now playing

Bioshock has meant nothing outside the first entry, and even then, looking back, it wasn’t too terrific. It blew the minds of high schoolers everywhere and people easily impressed by video game twists. Bioshock II tried to parody the sort of communist “other” of objectivism but sort of fell flat; humans are more

I wonder how much of this is due to the lax monopoly/anti-trust laws we have, and them not being enforced anyway. A lot of indie games don’t provide this sort of game or experience online. The ones capable of doing so are the ones who can sustain data analysis who work for MMOs and look at the data constantly. This

Usually I have to pay way more to traumatize people.

He also wrote his own copypasta.

Looks like it could run alongside Two-Point Hospital.

This was an issue starting with World at War and made worse come Modern Warfare 2.

Is it that time of the season then? Another article about representation in media that few people actually care about - but which gains attention (which I’ve admittedly given) - yet presents no solution or even presumes the complaints will be met?

That’ll happen anyway. Check out BL2 farming guides and weapon trees. They basically just tell you which weapons are worthwhile and which aren’t. I played BL2 fresh not too long ago since I played it years prior, and once I got the Unkempt Harold, I just farmed for that. I didn’t need any there weapon.

Are you referring to selburose? It’s a pattern people are likely familiar with but don’t know the name of. Kind of like how people will refer to tartan patterns as “plaid”.

Their release of Dire Maul isn’t adding new content. Not only have they given players Dire Maul, which existed only a few months into classic, but they rolled it out in classic fashion.

Naxxramas was the last big update. AQ was about two patches before that, if memory serves.

I don’t understand. If his last save were just an hour behind, what’s the big deal? Especially for a game so long.

We are only a few days into September, but it seems the Halloween season is starting. Stores are already starting to sell Halloween decorations.

This seems like such a cynical cash grab but if it somehow leads to The Wolf Among Us 2 then I’ll shut up and support them begrudgingly.

Isn’t that the game set in 15th century Bohemia that a few power posters felt wasn’t diverse enough, despite historically that being the case.

Did you play during Vanilla’s phase? The game required you to help others and be helped by others. It’s much harder to solo (though possible). I’m sure some older players are bringing that back but I’d need to see numbers on how many have returned and how many are trying it for the first time obviously.

It’s at this time that I’d like to point out Goku and Piccolo are learning to drive hover cars, which do not have wheels, and therefore cannot “burn rubber.” It’s a glaring oversight

Crenshaw went on to argue against the idea that the United States’ destabilizing foreign policies had sowed the seeds of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.