Dear God, please give the same treatment to The Wolf Among Us. The fact that it probably hadn’t really even begun yet and that it wouldn’t be switched up mid season could be better.
Dear God, please give the same treatment to The Wolf Among Us. The fact that it probably hadn’t really even begun yet and that it wouldn’t be switched up mid season could be better.
I genuinely laughed out loud. Mein sides are splitten.
“If you get in a discussion with them it’s always the same buzzwords and hackneyed arguments. They’re the kind of people who make a show of discomfort when you break the status quo like by breaking the normie barrier to invoke a real discussion. it’s like in a vidya [game] when you accidentally talk to somebody twice a…
I heard of these guys a while back but I’m sort of waiting for more. They’re certainly hyping themselves up and touring but I wonder if that’ll continue to garner more success.
Or developed raids better.
I get it, but no. I’m right in this case. You’re welcome for my comment approval FYI. Criticism shouldn’t be stifled.
While The Walking Dead is caught with its pants down, other series like The Wolf Among Us Season 2 could potentially still be developed well enough. While devs weren’t interchangeable, I believe the credits aren’t entirely the same from episode to episode. There were changes. I hope another companies swoops in and…
I wanted to give apt criticism in the rudest manner possible. Easy and understandable. Don’t do hyperbolic stuff that I’m tired of reading. That most people are.
I like to imagine I’m Gary Numan every day.
And you sheeple are just ok with this?
It’s apt criticism. No more than necessary, and pretty straight to the point. Unlike the novel you wrote in response which, ironically, says that no one asked for an opinion. Shoot yourself in the foot that hard often?
Depends. I’d imagine Batman was more expensive than Fables.
It’ll be painful but I’ll have to go back and play The Wolf Among Us again. The atmosphere and the lighting was just too brilliant. It genuinely felt like playing a comic. And a lot of the colors reminded me of my favorite cartoon which was also canceled too soon - through the first season even - Mission Hill.
I’m old enough to know that I shouldn’t hold out hope. Or at least old enough not to be bitter. But the pull is strong.
So you’re into telling people what speed to live life at, huh?
Just trying to fix bad habits and writing. I’d never want to supplant the otherwise good work Gita does.
Nope. Uptight would imply high standards. This isn’t even high. Kotaku has a low bar as it is.
Which you’re saying about a phrase that’s overused. What did you think your point was?
A concept introduced in a single fan-made comic strip has absolutely destroyed the internet.
Jesus, that long? I remember getting in on the hype train of The Walking Dead around episode 3 but 4 was released right after. Still, the final episode wasn’t too long after that.