
You mean the fifth largest weapon supplier? Yeah how horrible.

Pointing out a constant mistake you made is far from an attack. I let it slide once, but given your attention to style it seems weird. We’re it the only thing I wrote, sure. But I didn’t. No one’s going off other than you; yours are responses to something I put forth. Again, no need to get upset, but don’t treat

I feel at this point one has to point out it’s “you’re” and not “your” when you’re saying, well, “you are”. Also, your way of speaking is naturally an accusation. Saying it’s cute to get defensive when that’s what you’re eliciting during a discussion is very odd. It’s like asking for someone’s opinion and then saying,

Just played a control map as Symmetra against two D.vas. You want my gold medals? I have plenty as it is. Also teleported about 18 players total which was fun. They really appreciated it and didn’t complain. Got PotG for that one and the one after, which was Nepal.

Or, I’m really good with Symmetra and have a lot of success on control maps regardless of what you expect.

Isn’t that the group from 88:88?

You won’t be seeing maternity leave for your daughters or healthcare for them, but aw ye.

I’m not. He’s in a precarious situation that I don’t think they’ll ever fix; only tweak. It’ll be this way after major and minor patches, and certainly after certain heroes are introduced and new meta-strategies are developed by the community. Until they rehaul his character completely to be weak up close but strong

I saw it at PAX East this year too! Great game. The problem is that gaming journalism has tended to be about jumping from one bandwagon to another. It’s about branding, not quality. When people tell me “it’s like Bioshock”, that doesn’t mean anything, because I’ve never heard someone describe it besides using simple

Yeah but, that’s reading. It’s like, why can’t Philip K. Dick or Huxley or anyone else just not do that? They’re all just copying Orwell anyway. Let’s constantly talk about Orwell anytime someone brings up something similar.

I have approved your grayed comment. Pray I do not alter it further. Which I can’t, so, whatever. Philip K. Dick references are always a go. If you can toss in a Gary Numan one from his album Replicas I’ll just give you my account.

If you have trouble thinking about anything else, sure, but if you asked someone to give a review of the game without mentioning Bioshock, I don’t think they’d break out in a cold sweat.

I know that a comparison can be drawn. I’m saying don’t do it. Time to move on from one game.

I fail to see how Bioshock is relevant here, aside from the cartoonish design of the people to some extent. I feel like constantly setting up a game - a game made in 2007 - as such a standard is pigeonholing creativity, the same way any FPS game that came out years after Halo was unfairly branded as a “Halo-killer”.

So it’s easier for you to believe disgruntled residents are purposely trashing their own public areas. They needed an excuse and this was it?

She needed a buff but this was overkill. I personally think her Defense Matrix should work as it does now, with an exception: her bar shouldn’t recharge until it’s depleted. Use it for 2 seconds, but it won’t fill back up until its drained completely.

Not arguing they aren’t, but you can lessen that effect and still make other uses for it. Essentially making them traps even.

I’ve earned so many free tickets to so many free shows though.

That’s like saying it’s okay to liter since we pay people to clean up parks and collect garbage. It’s missing the point entirely. Parks are a service, and they’re funded based on the numbers they have. When you have hundreds of people turning up nightly and not obeying the law (littering; minor vandalism), it turns

Black Friday isn’t a big deal, and it happens once a year. This has happened since the game was released. I don’t think you really read the article though.