
I already know we agree on many things. I think I pointed something similar out already. That isn’t the point. I think you’re conflating any government with any other government, as if it’s one single entitle. Like an element.

a) you’ve just identified a group of people, so people clearly can be groups.

They aren’t just doing that though. I’ll roll Zarya and will usually have some rando talk about my character being a butch lesbo.

Roadhog’s name in Russian is Турбосвин.

And I report them every time.

Also: “zaryad” translates to “charge”.

What’s funny is that so many people, mostly Americans and Germans from my experience, are focused on how individual people will own personal cars to do what they want.

That the government doesn’t work for individuals doesn’t mean it works against them. And to the contrary, it’s individuals that rarely exist. Even our thoughts of free will are being challenged more and more by research every day. Thinking that an individual is the end all, be all of someone’s existence is pretty

Right. What I’m saying is, it’s not uncommon for the Right to embody a lack of critical thought. That this went over your head is, well, again. Telling.

Everyone’s for limited government, even socialists like myself, but the question is what are you limiting? That’s the real discussion to be had.

Yeah, I said what I said and knew she was from AZ, but it only clicked after. Still, it is very interesting. Unless she means “third party”. I’ve given interviews before where I flatout said “I don’t [x]” and they wrote it up “He does [x]”, so maybe that was it.

The rhetoric that a government works for individuals is the sort of lens you need to drop if you want to understand what’s being said by people like myself who are pro-government. Which isn’t to say I love government, but am for it taking more responsibility while also being transparent.

Sort of a telling statement, that it’s “all you need to know”.

At the same time she said she’s “pro-limited government”, so, eh.

There’s an indie title called Anna that was very masterfully made in the same regard you talk about in your review. It constantly sent shivers down my entire body with the same tricks it would pull. The entire game took place in a small sawmill, but it felt so deep and expanded because of what they did with the small

You can disagree, that’s fine, but don’t interject into a conversation between two people. Nothing still compares to the information I laid out in the second post either.

Maybe move around a bit then and use a quick melee attack to finish it off. If it’s near a corner you can use that to your advantage too as the lightning will arc somewhat around it if it’s visible.

Instead of writing all that, just put “I concede my point”. When you have to start breaking the cooperative principle, it’s never a good sign.

What articles of Patricia’s had clickbait titles?

Oh right, right. It’s not that a player is good, but the other one is trash. That’s the sort of negative behavior I’ve been missing in games. Even though I clearly did get that achievement killing two of Torbjörn’s turrets.