
Then she right-clicks and destroys the turrets, shielding other people who might go in with her. Maybe I’m just really good with both Zarya and Winston, because these are the best counters not just in a vacuum, but in general.

Well, maybe you’re right. Maybe they gave Winston an achievement for doing something he’s not supposed to do. That makes far more sense. Have fun dying to Torbjörn and not being able to do anything about it!

Maybe the problem is you haven’t played Winston much, or you aren’t very good with him. I’ve gone against multiple Torbjörns, and good ones at that, as Winston and come out victorious. He’s simply a great counter, especially when also backed up by 5 other players.

And ironically, you have no counterpoint. Why am I not surprised.

A level 2 turret does 57 damage per second. Winston’s Barrier Projection has 600 health. In vacuo you have 10.5 seconds to survive the turret. The shield lasts 6 seconds, so really you can survive the entire shield’s duration without getting hit.

And when the turrets are all in a room where you can’t do that?

It’s not that so many turrets are annoying, but that your team isn’t effectively countering them. The counter to those are tanks - primarily Winston and Zarya with two Lucios (one on healing, the other on speed).

Please don’t crank the AC. Let your body acclimate to the hot weather when possible. I did it last summer and using AC even made me feel uncomfortable.

Her shield gets rid of Discord, FYI. It’s easily reapplied, but it’s just a reminder.

Pharah or Junkrat. Her shield can only absorb 200 damage before going away. Yes, it charges her weapon, but that’s it. If you power through the shield and continue to nuke her, she’ll die, and therefore the charge goes back down to 0.

Was anyone able to read this article without pronouncing his name “Balrog”?

It’s not a traditional investment, but calling it “not an investment” without defining it doesn’t help either.

Went through most comments and no one was saying this.

I think she was referring to real life when she said that.

RE4 looked nothing like Resident Evil before it, yet it’s seen as one of the best. Maybe hold off before you judge something that’s ultimately a game.

It looks fantastic, but they’d better release a second season of The Wolf Among Us soon. That was by far their best title.

Name checks out. He’s all about longevity.

There was a character in The Office - basically the owner of the business complex who had a wheelchair. It was a point of comedy once but after that, he just made a few appearances as a nondescript character.

That doesn’t help me. Please sum it up.

Westernization is a real bitch, as was the Meiji Restoration huh?