
My wife and I have more than once managed to avoid me getting her sick, and vice versa, by sleeping in separate rooms, washing hands, and keeping surfaces clean. We didn’t have to “not be with each other,” we just had to spend a couple of days cleaning well and not making out.

If Paradise is the only Burnout you’ve played, then you don’t know why it’s not a good Burnout.

First decade they haven’t been in the World Series since the 1910s.....since WWI era baseball. Remarkable.

Nobody stays alive to keep watching the winningest team ever keep winning, I call bullshit. Your grandfather is alive just to cheer against that immigrant Altuve, i bet 

Big Yankee fan here. Really tough loss tonight, and especially so for my 95 year old grandfather.

She has a series of books that take a sideways look at a host of topics. Her book Grunt on the military was my gateway drug. If you start with one, you’ll likely read multiple ones!

‘You can’t even beat your man. Just shut up and watch me.’

...windmill-like right hands...

Easy listening... the auditory equivalent of watching a kitten playing with a ball of yarn. 

I am now wondering if his shitbag lawyer is actually blowing the whole thing on purpose by letting him pull stunts like this so he can get convicted more easily.

Yeah, if you’ve got a personal issue that’s been weighing on you for years, a press junket for your latest movie is certainly the best place to air that dirty laundry.

What’s he need his hands for?

Go to Walgreens; take some Advil.” -Shaq

I don’t think Ramos did that on purpose, he was trying to injure Salah’s right shoulder, not his left.

Dude, calm the fuck down. I don’t even know how you took this as a personal affront to type shit out about your life that frankly we don’t give a fuck about.

I believe you misspelled Years. 

“And you never paid for drugs. Not once!”

“Damn Americans, coming here and taking our jabs”