
Theory: Lucky Pie is Space Dandy.

Is this because Fifa 15 didn't come to Wii U?

They didn't make the AI stupid to kill anything over 1 star, they simply based the AI on NY cops. Duh.

"Perhaps he needs a hand."

I agree, it is pretty suspicious that two characters out of the main cast would be bi.


I'm actually a little bit disappointed. Don't get me wrong, the matches themselves are the best ever. Gameplay wise, smash wise, this is perhaps my favourite smash so far.

wow. Sincerely, thank you for the straight answer. I have to admit, I was of the group that would think this would get a lot of heat from feminists, but you made a clear point as to why it wouldn't. Also cleared up why other things would.

Excellent answer. I agree with your points, and I see this game as more like those anime which exists specifically for 'plot' - and they're never meant to be taken even remotely seriously.

Pikachu Miriachi hit the nail on the head. bravo.

Maybe because it's so over-the-top in its sexualization that there's no point trying to "save" it? Like, I think there's a difference between a triple-A game that features a scene of a woman being beaten just kind of casually thrown in, and *this*, where the intention clear.

Let's ignore the serious point here and instead focus on the fact that Nintendo has taken it's rightful place ON TOP OF BOTH THE LESSER CONSOLES!!! NIN-TEN-DO! NIN-TEN-DO! NIN-TEN-DO!

Even more so, if the argument goes like this:

Amateurs should take care to note however that just because someone calls you an ass that doesn't make it an Ad Hominem attack. Ad Hominem is when the insult is used as a substitute for argument, for example: I'm correct because you are an ass. But your opponent can de-construct your entire argument and insult you at

The original genesis of it was a man, dating a woman. The woman was a game developer.

So in other words...don't buy Destiny?

Anita has been accused of faking these threats and not actually making police reports before. The actual people who accused her of it found out themselves that not only was she telling the truth, she was also dealing with the FBI.

Listen, it sounds like you're trying to be open minded about this, but don't say these things out loud. It is so completely insane to suggest that she is doing this herself that it boggles the mind. Think about what she gains (her videos are already widely talked about and discussed, and the harassment that she gets

I'll just wait here for the #notallgamers crowd.

I'm a gamer. I have been for thirty years now.

I'm also a heterosexual, cisgendered white male—and while I sometimes have questions or concerns about Sarkeesians methods and research practices, her message isn't off the mark at all. She's onto something, and I think