Is there a new Kane and Lynch coming out?
Is there a new Kane and Lynch coming out?
I doubt he’s outright lying. It’s much more likely to be a combination of willful ignorance (actively trying to not find problems) and actual ignorance (those problems being shielded from his sight through layers of corporate bureaucracy).
New Characters
Tales from the Borderlands sequel (Hurrrayyyyyy!!!!)... written by different people and starring different characters (...huh).
Tom is breaking my heart.
The Lost Cause is an ahistorical myth that portrays the Confederate States of America as noble defenders of a way of life, guilty only of being the men born at the end of their era, while actively downplaying the evils of slavery for which they fought.
In the sense that the Browncoats stand for nebulous freedom, while…
Aside from the political angle of Chris Pratt, and people disliking him for that. Why are we pretending like Mario’s in game voice isn’t already a ridiculous, exaggerated cartoonish Italian accent? Suddenly we feel the voice actor for the game is trained in accents and was needed to bring that Italian authenticity to…
I feel you and I also would like to cosign on that power trip. Ooof, they tried to play nice and the virtue signalers are out in full force. Hey, whatever floats their proverbial boats but also a good way to make art toothless in the future.
I think updating the content warning is a good move. On a broader note, it always seems like games that approach topics from an earnest, inclusive angle seem to come in for more criticism than games that do a very poor or insensitive job of addressing those topics.
Agreed. I think the word “entitled” has reached that point where it’s so overused that it is losing any kind of bite, but if people saying “I don’t like this storyline, you should have made one more to my tastes instead” isn’t entitled then I really don’t know what is.
People calling for the removal of the content are frankly crazy. Not in a mental issue way, just utterly divorced from the reality of what art and media are. I’m all for accessibility, including on the front of content, but it feels like some people suffer from permanent FOMO in that they need to experience every and…
I came here to comment on both that and that the comment/reply notifications are still broken as fuck.
Virtue signaling, on MY internet!?
That’s only part of the problem. The other part is that it’s been at least nine hours since we were able to stroke our outrage boners and we need release.
My advice: don’t come off as the guy who’s obsessed with the guy who sucks. It’s almost as bad. Let him have his moment where he gets to cut and paste the same thing onto every South Park article. Deny him what he desperately wants: attention.
I would’ve never have guessed Tarantino had mommy issues...said no one, ever.
Waiting for my WOW shovel
Ok, here’s an essay on what getting the media to deal with these kinds of issues is like from the other side; Long story short, it’s a depressing nightmare.
Fuck off, Bobby.
What bothers me there though is looking at the graphic styles.... I really don’t see what should cause a game like that to perform apparently so horribly.
Like... the art style doesn’t seem like something that *should* warrant any strong hardware to run yet the fact that it apparently does is.... concerning, to say the…