
You really should edit this article. Metroid Prime 2 & 3 were not announced with this

I hate you for reporting this news. I was better off not knowing this existed. Knowing that it was being done, and now cancelled, my week is ruined.

God, I hope they get some of the original writers. The writing in Borderlands 3 makes me sad, and angry, and sad again.

If I walk out of the Gaia room in the base without waiting for the hallway to load, I always end up falling into an infinite abyss

Oh, I really don’t think it’s the same case? Like. When I watched Speed Racer in theaters, I just thought it was a fantastic movie. I didn’t know of Rotten Tomatoes back then and that I was supposed to hate it. I used to read Roger Ebert and IGN reviews then and both loved it, so for a long time I just assumed it was

It kinda looks cheesy, but it also looks very Robert Rodriguez stylized. The only good Hollywood anime adaptation, in my opinion, is Speed Racer, so if this is taking a page from that and making everything overly stylized, then that could be cool.

Well, don’t I look like a ROYAL BUFFOON after the writer sneakily corrected their catastrophic mistake!

Breath of The *WORLD*?! That is one hilarious goof you done did there on that subtitle! I’ll be giggling ALL DAY. *Snort* Heh, heh... “Breath of the Wooooorld”. “Hello, World! How’s your morning?”, “You know, Wild, it’s going great!”, “Oooof, hey... Do you want a Tic-Tac?”, “Jeez, my breath that bad?”, “Don’t sweat

That’s a good Ted Talk right there

A destroyed Reaper doesn’t confirm the “Destroy” ending. Multiple Reapers were destroyed in the war.

This was the most helpful Internet comment!

And now it’s on Apple Arcada! Everything’s coming up Milhouse!

This looks like a prime PS+ giveaway!

This looks fantastic!

While the new content sounds exciting, the game already has more than enough content to sell me on it... except I just hate movement, aiming and combat.So the promise of a “faster, more dynamic combat experience” is VERY eciting for me.

Very relevant and informative comment!

Gosh, I hate when media outlets decide to pretend that the work “always sucked” when someone is revealed to be awful. Like, I think it’s impossible to “separate the art from the artist” and that all their work is now forever tainted, but I feel like trying to pretend it wasn’t good or that only stupid people liked it

I assure you they have spent every penny of their original sales but it must keep selling well enough to keep them going.

The comments lucidity when compared to the author’s fantasy world reporting give me hope for humanity. Seriously, what a world this person lives in which Jameela Jamil is a villain or anything but an ally.

They know whassup.