
Seeing a lot of comments like “The left eats its own” and “The left doesn’t like #metoo when it’s going after their own” and to me this reveals the total stupidy and brutishness of the American Republican. People don’t support ideals because they work “for their side”. If you want to stop rapists, you don’t just want

Nobody ages in that show. Not just Ash.

I mean, he obviously put out a barrier, right?

Those first notes really hit me.

Great trailer. Teared up seeing all those pokémon in live action. The Mr. Mime bit was killer.

I like the points raised in your comment. I will come back to you with a response later, for I am at work.

Thanks! I think? Kinja won’t let me see who you’re replying to.

Well no, my whole point is that sexualization in itself shouldn’t (in my opinion) be a problem, but that when it’s pretty much the default way to depict a female character, it makes it feel as though the main purpose of their presence is to arouse.


I don’t think it’s wrong for it to cross over, especially in stories in which it benefits the mood or the story (though it doesn’t have to... and I’m not one to say what makes a story better or not). And yes, I agree that in a perfect world, and the world we should be fighting for, is one in which an artist draws or

On a news post about Onechanbara, an ecchi game about bikini-clad zombie hunters, I came upon a simple post raising a good question. The poster, whom we’ll refer to as Steve (because I can’t find the old post to tell you who he was), wrote the following: “Honest question. It seems like every time there’s anything

I did not, at all, manage to get through this news post with a dry face.

Charizard maybe, but he could become Mega Charizard X and show him what’s up.

Very excited, story looks unpredictable

This is fucking bullshit.

I’m not, like, attacking the article for spoilers, just pointing out that they’re there. Not that it’s somehow a bad thing that they are there.

I didn’t read that scene to mean that he died, because even by Arrow standards of grief, Laurel wasn’t too broken up afterwards. His character sorta just wasn’t mentioned again.

Spoilers for The Arrow if you’re just starting season 3, or if you haven’t watched season 2 and know Sarah survived.

Hahaha yeah, just that gif is a ton of spoilers for Flash and Arrow

I guess I just wish Wildcat could be on it.