
It’s normally only Euro fanboys with an inferiority complex who espouse as much. Personally I’m fine with the fact that the MLS schedule isn’t in sync with the August-May schedule, because I always have league games to watch.

I’ve actually decided to not have kids so that I can keep going to games.

Can’t one fully respect her history and achievements while disagreeing with her on this, or nah?

Watching anything featuring Shae Summers would be a GREAT move.

But still, fuck ‘em.

Word is that Terri Leigh suggested the change.

The morgue would be suitable as well.

Biggest or most?

You mess with the Red Bull, you get the horns.

Why not both?

Sarandon looks succulent there. Mmm.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going?

It really depends on if one is walking at a pace equal to the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow.

Apparently he had no choice but to keep it so long. (Heeeyyyoooo)

Whereas, as a white male, I only move over for cats. I like them far better than people, if we’re honest.

I hope he dies.

And if both people move in the same direction?

What if they’re into biting?

Worked for Baylor against North Carolina.

If all else fails, Rams and Chargers players could now easily be cast in a remake of Less than Zero.