
She’s The Watcher, obviously.

Depeche Mode would disagree.

Hail to the king.

Arbor Mist, even.

I’m pretty sure Denzel Washington could do a remake of Ricochet for Lifetime. It would fit right in.

The second longest con behind organized religion, though it’s edging closer.

Moreover, I would say that her relationship with Stevens is merely her perpetuation of the type of chaos that surrounded her childhood. The cycle can be broken if someone chooses to do so.

The main thing that gripes my ass whenever someone does a profile of Solo is the way that her behavior, whether overtly or not, is somehow explained away or justified by her tough childhood.

Never mind that I, a vegetarian, also found myself even more repulsed by roast beef after seeing the pictures.

My dad finally quit smoking at the age of 53...when he died of lung cancer.

But those of us who do can fuck like jackhammers. Bang bang.

And if that fails, Photobucket.

Don’t want a dude to celebrate hitting a homer off of you? Don’t throw a shitty pitch. An internal locus of control is a great thing.

That whole “if you’re smart” thing. They do realize we’re talking about people, right?

A fleshlight.

And here I was thinking that they had renovated it.

On this week’s episode of Sibling Cuckolds...

Lisa Ann v. Ohio State and Notre Dame football players.

Great that she made her lips look like an anus.

But enough about Dan Uggla.