
Is this the place where I mention that my partner got me to start using a CeraVe hyaluronic acid face wash every night and she was 100% right because it has made my face look a million times better?

Waskom, Texas: where we love to waste taxpayer money on lawsuits brought because we decided to posture about issues that don’t affect us.

And on the other hand, he may just have a form of OCD where he doesn’t like to touch people, which is actually pretty common.

Maybe he just doesn’t want cooties

He may be doing it to avoid appearances of impropriety, or to ensure others’ comfort. But underlying those theories is the assumption that he would put his hands on these people were it not for one of those decent reasons not to do so. Is it too crazy to think that maybe he just doesn’t want to put his hands on other

This was my assumption and what I thought “ain’t taking no chances” meant when I saw that tweet - Keanu isn’t taking any chances that anybody will misconstrue him touching those women. My friend’s boss is a former dean (& is married), and he was particular about the way he interacted with students of the opposite sex

I’m going to start a rumor that he’s a Howard Hughes level germaphobe and just doesn’t want to touch any rando’s sweaty backs. 

And NO amount of explaining or pasting the definition of “homophobic” to these idiots makes any difference. They don’t want to hear that they’re bigots, so they hinge everything on the definition of “phobic”.

There was no looming threat of an altercation or concerns for the safety of the women in our entourage, just an overwhelming sense of freedom, authenticity and acceptance, a feeling I honestly haven’t experienced since.

I highkey really hope Mindy Kaling’s daughter’s dad is BJ Novak.

Thank you for joining me for this episode of my podcast, Things That Are None Of My Fucking Business. 

My kids will eat all of the veggies that go into a salad individually, but the greens are a deal breaker.  Interestingly, they’ll eat the greens individually straight off of the plant in the garden, but put them in a bowl and the deal’s off.  Kids.

What really gets me is their “lie like a parent” tagline. Yeah, sometimes you don’t tell your kids things. Sometimes you have to do the polite fibs. But outright lying about what they’re eating is an excellent way to 1) erode their trust in you and 2) lead them to associate moral values to certain types of food (which

This is the worst comment of all.

Hey Kate...is a leaky corpse a sandwich?

I don’t think she actually gets to choose her spot.  There’s protocol to the way everyone’s arranged, so I wouldn’t read to much into how far away she is from the railing.

I will never understand the Pine obsession both here and at Jezebel. In my humble opinion the correct order is Hemsworth, Evans, and then Pine with Pratt many, many spots below because he’s trash.

Admittedly, my social life consists of conquering the world on Crusader Kings II, but . . . I’m not seeing a lot here to complain about. I mean, yeah, the homophobia-is-a-symptom-of-repressed-gay-status was officially played off by American Beauty, but mostly I see the corny guy who kind of knows he’s corny in those

Counterpoint: No, he doesn’t. He’s a genuinely good person who is imperfect, like everyone is, but is actually willing to learn and grow.
