Oooo nice! What’s yours going to say?
Oooo nice! What’s yours going to say?
Oh it’s not a bad thing and I’ll probably save the pattern for a different phrase. I have a few in the queue it’ll compliment better than this one.
Thanks! They were surprisingly easy. And I don’t really sew much.
I just tried watching while on my pumping break (yayyy working motherhood) but I couldn’t get through more than 5 minutes of Grassley’s fake obsequiousness. Fuck him and all the rest of them. Good luck, Dr. Ford. We are with you.
Struggle. Mustache.
He’s only TWO YEARS older than Beto? I mean, christ, I know you’re right about the aging process of right-wing shitbags (cough, Stephen Miller, cough) but damn.
Just reading along until this:
That cake and sampler are AMAZING!!
Yeah a lot of her recipes are for church picnics and shit so they’re HUGE.
Thanks! It’s my fave.
Aw thank you!
I personally love pearls but agree that it matters how they’re styled and what kind they are. I would err on the smaller size for the strand and not do your hair too severe to balance it out. But I say go for it if you love them.
It’s yummy and super cute. Mini Pie loves them, I technically got them for her lunches but will have to buy more since I’m drinking them too, lol.
I LOVED Edinburgh. I went last year with my mom. I don’t actually have off the beaten path suggestions as we were only there for a short time and hit the big things.
Haha I have but I actually don’t mind because I always have leftovers. We are very much a “dinner tonight is packed for work lunches tomorrow” type family so I like bigger servings. I just look more at the ingredients for her stuff than the “serves” number.
You are not alone and you are not the only one to feel this way. And a whole bunch of those “well-adjusted” people are probably freaking out on the inside too. Do you have someone in your life you can talk to?