
I hate hate hate MLM’s and usually decline them on Facebook. But my mom’s friend was selling Rodan and Fields and my mom wanted to hit a minimum for a free gift so I tried out their Unblemish acne wash and I actually really like it! And it’s not horribly expensive on its own. 

DMC calls it variegated floss...I’m obsessed. It looks very different depending on how you stitch it. I was doing my normal “Stitch half stitches in one direction for the whole word then stitch the other half back” with it which gives you just a general rainbow look. But for this I’m doing the complete x for each

Those are GORGEOUS.

I really love her recipes. I’ve never had one turn out bad.

I am so sorry hun. Losing our fur babies is so hard. I hope eventually you find comfort in the memories.

Craft Thread! Sorry I missed the last two weeks. The first weekend I was just too old and sleepy and then last weekend I was in Key west for a bachelor/bachelorette party. It was fabulous but I’ll be recovering for another week.

Kate Beckinsale is actually a vampire in real life...that woman does not age.

Came here to say this, glad it isn’t just me. 

These are the kind of pranks I can get behind. Funny, no one got hurt or scared, no property damage...AND highlighted a real issue that the company is now addressing. Good job, guys.

I met them once, YEARS ago. Songs About Jane was JUST getting regular radio airplay and they were doing a meet and greet/mini performance at the local pop station. My boss at the time (water park, yay summer jobs) got me in as they were big advertisers with the station.


I am so, so sorry. 

When I was in high school a good friend set me up on a blind date. She knew him from youth group and he was, by all accounts, a perfectly nice guy. We had a perfectly pleasant lunch and he dropped me off at home after, no problem. There wasn’t any chemistry on the date but there was nothing about him that was

And THAT is why I never run our Roomba when we’re asleep or not home. I know that defeats a large part of the awesomeness of a programmable robot vacuum but I’ve heard way too many of those stories to risk it. 

Important diaper questions: Do they fit well? Do they leak? Can I afford the big box? Do they stand a snowball’s chance in hell of withstanding Lil’ Pie’s latest poop?

Eh, his hair doesn’t bother me (though it is obviously fake) when he doesn’t look like he’s been to the Guy Fieri house of Hair style-wise.

Damn the show for making Stephen Bonnet so cute.

I had the exact same reaction to that part. Ew ew ew. 

Ohhhhh I would have been kicked out for sure. For trying to crawl over my seat and into his lap.