I kinda want to hear all about this now too.
I kinda want to hear all about this now too.
The entire state of Maine* reacted to that with:
I’m an alum who’s pretty connected with the school and I hadn’t heard about it until now either. But with this Bollard story being published, it’s now going viral and the Press Herald just reported he’d be asked to resign from the state legislature. Hopefully that’ll mean he loses his coaching job soon.
At the end of the day, this is not an important local Maine story. THIS is an important local Maine story but so far none of our bigger publications are covering it:
Disappointing is a good word for it. It was fun seeing them all again but woof, nah. I’ll just watch Beerfest again.
And he had it playing on repeat! Even when he was asleep! I wasn’t going to stay all night anyways but that sealed the deal on my hasty departure.
Slightly related, I once hooked up with a guy in college who pulled the whole “want to watch a movie” thing. But it wasn’t any of those. No, his “I wanna bang” movie of choice was FACE/OFF. So weird.
Supertroopers Two. And I say that as someone who loved Supertroopers 1. (I was a senior in high school SHUSH. Though really I still enjoy it. Especially any of the scenes with Brian Cox) But yeah, this was just bad dumb.
If you haven’t seen Nanette, do so immediately. It’s not easy watching, nor should it be given what she talks about, but it is fucking incredible. I had literal goosebumps and cried during the final bit where she returns to her bus stop story and I’ve been thinking about it, and her, since I watched it. I’ll have to…
I got super excited by the headline thinking it was a record company issue with Chapman having a new record out at the same time or something. Very disappoint.
After talking to her more I don’t think she really did. I think she just heard fat being used as a negative to describe someone or parts of someone’s body. I don’t think she knows why or what it really meant. But even the fact that she was using the word and referencing herself and being upset about it was alarming.
That is absolutely true but that doesn’t mean someone with the kind of audience as Kim has should be allowed to spew this stuff out unchecked.
I have memories like that too. And they never go away. No matter how happy I might be in a certain outfit or something I’ll still have one of those memories nagging at the corners of my mind. Shit’s forever.
Don’t worry, we’re a pro-unicorn household.
Thank you! It wasn’t my idea though, I actually read about that line of reasoning from a mom post about her own struggles relaying body acceptance to her daughters. I really like it though and wish I had been told that when I was young.
As I mentioned in my post, I believe she heard it from another kid in daycare. We are very careful to limit questionable influences in our own house but she’s not kept in a bubble and not every parent is limiting things the same way from their own kids.
“I truly hope you realize how important setting goals are for young women, teaching them we have so much more to offer than just our bodies,” Moretz wrote.”
Ahhhh thank you for reminding me of the Dealing with Dragons series. I loved them as a kid...now I’m going to have to find new copies to read to Mini Pie!
That is one of my favorite Tumblr threads.
Hahahaha oh mama, it’ll get better. And you’re still younger than me!