
Ohhhhhh well that’s fun!

YUS! Every time I saw one of them trying to hold his or her phone with them on I felt so bad. Small upside is I’m sure they’re warm? Maybe?

Haha that would!

That sounds delicious!

Hahahaha that’s fantastic! And extremely accurate.

Awwwww those are so freaking cute!!

Can you blame him?! When he looks that fabulous.


Oh god those fucking gloves. We were watching it like “hey the American outfits actually look pretty great this year, I kind of want that jacket...wait. Dafuq are those. Did Yosemite Sam fuck Ralph Lauren?”

I don’t know what the Ravenellic games are but those socks look really great! I love the look of the yarn.

Awwwwww! I was thinking of you this week and was hoping you’d be back to show him off. He looks fantastic!

You did! I remember that. Aww I think it came out really well, I still love the colors. And I think the hood is cute though honestly I though owl at first more than cat. Probably the eyes. But downright adorable either way!!

Not tonight but have some fun plans for tomorrow. A very good friend of mine owns a mushroom farm and traded me a big ol’ bag of shrooms for a cross stitch I did. She’s dropping them off tomorrow.

Yeah I laughed out loud at a few parts of it but def that bit the most.

Try something new? A new hobby or class or activity?

Yeah the article tag is fixed now but at first I was like wtf.

Kinja is being a tricky bitch. SNS finally posted but it is tagged as happening at 3:30 this afternoon? Weird.

UGH yes. Because it’s not even enough to look on the outside for pockets. I have to then look IN to make sure they’re real. For fuck’s sake. Everyone can use more pockets!

A little girl’s hoodie, apparently. I try to be really good about checking for pockets because, like any kid, she’s obsessed with putting things in them. But this was a gift and I didn’t think much of it when I put it on her because hello! Hoodie!