
The blazer has 'Aerodynamic styling' and they managed to shave 50lbs off the weight just with one part

A- It's horrid and hurts the eyes

stupid lunch break, you beat me to it good robot-sir

Sadly none of the for-hires use Google+ either

"the drill is getting to hot from all the hippies"

Beware of molotov wielding rioters

AC-130U (Spooky II)

Gave them a man-mouse with bigger balls obviously


That shifter certainly doesn't look like a slush box

My thoughts exactly, assuming I'm not alone in going at most once a year, there are people who go every 1-2 days.

I have a very similar one, might have cost $4 instead of $1

and that's why you have a heart Klic

we Germans are not a warlike people Homer

This is what you get when you don't let Darth Jr. get his power converters from Kashi Station

For some reason ESPN, Deadspin, Youtube and sometimes Gmail are blocked

Stupid work-filter, glad to know I'm not alone.

Payne Stewart, I don't think his plane was shot down though

How could I forgot the alternative suggestion/only real choice for #3, good catch.

The perpetually locking differential, brought to you by shade-tree motors.