-Suddenly decides its a great idea to visit girlfriend's family in Norway...
-Suddenly decides its a great idea to visit girlfriend's family in Norway...
Wow that looks awesome, wonder what a 9000 would have shaped up like.
An intern or some other fun person!!
And, you just earned a heart-cli...
and now, thanks to you Steve, there is unmitigated beer on my laptop.
My old job had three shitty off-highway NPRs, nothing more fun than scaring the new guy with how badly he broke the truck.
This might explain the 3 times I've see the TomTom mobile in suburban NH in the last week
Or if you read the explanation of the new review system you would have known it was going to get a 100.
Prettyman road is also a lie
my thoughts exactly...
Liberace/Pavorratti, potato/Italian guy...
Pavoratti (spelling?)
This sounds like lyrics to a Harry Chapin ode to motoring
Think of how many V6 Mustangs she could buy when she wins.
people lurking under your car??
the Tappett brothers
But it says 'value pack'. That's how you know its a good deal.
Sure the Chinese never invented anything.
A short one.