Running into a bright yellow jet powered hair dyer
Running into a bright yellow jet powered hair dyer
No word on if the pilot was receiving a call from Mr Glass
He said cure, not eradicate
747 has no in-flight refueling capability normally, and with that shuttle on board the 'usual' places to put a port would be too dangerous (limited clearance from KC boom etc) also would you want to be the boom operator lowering the boom towards several hundred million dollars worth of fragility
ah you mean the dead-ox method.
Space-plane, that thing handles like a frisbee with a brick on it.
The siren call of a 43" 240hz TV for under $500 is beckoning me.
You mean you don't DD a GT??
Your dream job is waiting
forget the photo, based on the fact that you don't want to crab-drive when you are done
Transmission rebuild
To be followed by the Destro edition
Steven Bauer was only cast alongside Pacino because Brian DePalma thought Bauer was a good Cuban name
This is a clear violation of the DoD's 40,000 page policy on which portraits can and can not be hung on the left side of the C ring by foreign officers.
Dodge Dart Configurator still not on line...
Was old Al sniffing a can of PVC primer?
A NP vote simply out of nostalgia for the absolutely gorgeous girl in High School who drove a DCV...
These birds have been lying to us. Frauds! Just like those cats...
not so much gliding as falling gracefully