The one I already own, several grand is a nice way to pay off an auto loan a few years early.
The one I already own, several grand is a nice way to pay off an auto loan a few years early.
That's where I bought my new one and still get it serviced. About a mile away on 9 in Somersworth is a place called Range automotive between Market Basket & Wal Mart on the other side of the road, where I got the gasket on my '97 done. Subaru's aren't cheap I believe the whole boxer deal makes it much more…
Some future mind-net moron will ask why early 21st century peoples stored their data on rickety hard drives.
If only he could find the roof access elevator
Michael Tee (wtf is fizz chem you hippie) is talking about Drew's Column regarding his preemie baby. If anyone knows him please provide him with a minimum of one (1) kidney punch for being a heartless asshat.
Bobman if you are in NH there is a great independent Subaru shop in Somersworth
eh, it really was only an persistent issue with the 2.5's (Legacy/Outback) but it was damn frustrating for such a great and otherwise reliable car (I went through one on my '97 obw before getting a job and buying an'09)
"Original Head Gasket" -1997-2001 Outback
Sort of a short-contact tackiness factor
The most important thing would be to know the 'normal' feel of a car. Sounds, shakes, feel & power. My girlfriend doesn't know what a CV joint is but she can at least say 'When I make a sharp left turn I get this weird thumpy noise'. Knowing what conditions cause an abnormal condition can make going to a garage a much…
Does that mean you want a beetle??
Does that mean #11 would be dealing with constant name change??
I think he meant a yahoo not Yahoo. I'm not sure if he is trying to reference the security guard at Foxconn story, or something more sinister.
Some people strangely refer to Countries as 'States' . But he probably deserves to be smote (smighted??) anyway.
Perhaps everyone who buys an airline ticket should have to read this and sign off on it. I'm looking at you and your 9 extra carry-ons Mom.
Annnnd, there's a new country in Africa, your $100,000 encyclopedia is out of date.
Start with the correct significant other, no one has to be talked into anything.
That shifter actually looks shopped in
Reliant Robin for 'Merica. Wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot clown pole.