
Back in MY day, we called it ICE3

I'm not sure why everyone is so shocked at the price of the Apple Watch Edition, we knew it was going to be obscene, the only people buying them will be people who really don't care about $10,000.

"The Last Time Apple Sold an Obscenely Overpriced Gadget.."

This obviously varies, but private schools can offer really good financial aid packages that can make them cheaper than public schools.

Agreed—and community colleges can be a great value, too.

I don't understand the Wi-Fi one, can't you just make the phone delete a network and it won't automatically connect?

My dad had this exact same philosophy when it came to smoking and I only ever once or twice saw him smoking a cigarette. As a kid, every few years I would harp on him to quit and the last time he surprised me by saying that he had quit over two years ago. However, he still stepped outside every hour because it was his

That is my hope. My parents played a major roll instilling those characteristics in me and making me the person that I am. Then the military helped reinforce those values. So my hope is that I can be at least half the parents that they have been. That way they grow up to be good people who are willing to help their

I agree, which is why I addressed it as my very first point :)

No, Google Drive does not allow you to store small photos or short videos for free. Your other two statements are correct. For whatever reason, Google Drive storage is separate from G+ photo/video backup.

Great tip, thanks for sharing.

Now playing

Old dial-up modems. Like fingernails on a blackboard.

It should! I am honestly not sure if Type-C can do video and power simultaneously, but worst case scenario you have two identical cables.

Im gonna be the lone person here who defends you, gibawats - but there is a caveat. I don't think you're an idiot. Or a bad parent. You want the best for your kids, and you tried.

You have, however, been duped. And its not really your fault - its easy to get roped in by the slimy world of snake oil. We want to

No, idiots are the ones that place lives other than their own in danger because they are too stupid to understand facts and evidence.

Because one individual anecdote trumps a meta-study conducted over years and thousands of patients. And when someone doesn't ever get sick, after previously getting sick, that's meaningful.

Science is not opinion. It's evidence. If you need to make up a conspiracy theory to argue your beliefs, you're very likely living in a paranoid fantasy land. Good luck to your poor sons.

Pebble! Pebble! Pebble!

It's not good enough for me, either, and so I doubt I'll be purchasing any Apple Watch this year, even though there are some interesting aspects to it.

This is completely, totally wrong. There is no direct connection between the USB port and your battery. There's a sophisticated battery management circuit, and it will not charge the battery faster than it is designed for.