Back in MY day, we called it ICE3
Back in MY day, we called it ICE3
This obviously varies, but private schools can offer really good financial aid packages that can make them cheaper than public schools.
Agreed—and community colleges can be a great value, too.
My dad had this exact same philosophy when it came to smoking and I only ever once or twice saw him smoking a cigarette. As a kid, every few years I would harp on him to quit and the last time he surprised me by saying that he had quit over two years ago. However, he still stepped outside every hour because it was his…
That is my hope. My parents played a major roll instilling those characteristics in me and making me the person that I am. Then the military helped reinforce those values. So my hope is that I can be at least half the parents that they have been. That way they grow up to be good people who are willing to help their…
I agree, which is why I addressed it as my very first point :)
No, Google Drive does not allow you to store small photos or short videos for free. Your other two statements are correct. For whatever reason, Google Drive storage is separate from G+ photo/video backup.
Great tip, thanks for sharing.
This is completely, totally wrong. There is no direct connection between the USB port and your battery. There's a sophisticated battery management circuit, and it will not charge the battery faster than it is designed for.
I was thinking the same thing. Eventually there will be more sunlight in the morning, but definitely not on Sunday morning.
I doubt this will get my hour back, but I always use the time change to renew my bitterness and hatred for this outdated construct. That includes complaining about it to my friends, moaning about it on the internet, and looking through the petitions to see what fresh Anti-DST petitions I can sign.
True story: the people I know who have the most trouble with their finances are the people who most often say, "My parents always handled that." I think this might be a case where it's okay to interpret correlation as causation.
Clippers for the win.
So the rumor is not true at all, there is just a microtransaction bonus in an add-on mode. Great.
I had to fax something to a government body the other day. I called to see if they got the fax. The automated system recognized my cell phone number, and immediately informed that they received my fax, the topic of which was XYZ. So in conclusion, they have the technology to recognize my wireless phone number, read a…
When somebody wrongs you—either by accident or on purpose—it can be hard to get over it. You may never be able to…
One year later I just bought a Wii U.
Vote: Moto X
No mention of Developer Options in Android?
My immediate thought exactly. I'm actually super bummed out Google did this. With all of the updates they've been dumping into Hangouts lately I thought for sure lollipop would make it the default app and we'd finally have an answer to iMessage since every Android user would have it.