
Well sure, but it won't lie to you about what it is.

Same here. I find the simple act of setting different alarms for different days to be a life saver. That and being able to set increasingly more agitating alarms if I ignore or snooze the first one.

Or just match up the colors, and fit the trapezoidey things (HDMI) into the trapezoidey holes.

"pretty much 100% of people who gave it a chance, agreed that it was awesome"

Yeah but like, I really want Inbox right now, amirite? Who's with me?!

This is going to date me, but I remember playing music in the background while I gamed back in the ZX Spectrum days, but that stopped the moment I switched to platforms with sound capabilities better than a simple beeper. Since then, I find the idea akin to listening to my favorite albums while watching a movie.

Or, to look at it from a more positive viewpoint, onshore wind energy is quite cost-competitive.

Not a bad general Android tip! (I'm sure there's an iOS equivalent but I'm not really sure what it would be).

you will need to flash again, when I was running the dev preview it wouldn't even update to new builds. You had to flash to do so.

iOS still forces you to have an icon for every app you have on the homescreen at all times. (lol)

Wow, you're dumb. That's not even an Android/iOS observation. You're just objectively dumb.

DOES IT BLEND?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Yes, as long as they have NFC, your good to go as a store.

The rule is simple - don't give more money to a crowdfunded project than you are prepared to lose. Some will fail, some will succeed. There are no guarantees either way, and the people fiscally responsible are those who decide to put money into the system, not those who ask you to give.

I feel like the biggest hinderance to the Fire is the Fire OS. Put straight up Android on there and it becomes one of the best cheap tablets out there.

I'm an Android user and I approve this message.

Android has never held people back from getting emulators on those devices. I have several emulators on my android tablet. Even tho I have emulators I still buy games on the Wii U Virtual Console shop because A: its nice to play on the game pad on my couch without having to use touch screens or have a bluetooth

You'd be surprised how dumb people get when it comes to Previews and Betas. They want it to work fully. Right when it lands into their hands. This time, on announcement, they even had a slide 'who is this preview for'. It mentioned some requirements like '[person should know] DLL != Magic'. But most of the people be

I dub thee "Nexus Note Plus 6 X". It is settled....