
Well true. But if they released two versions that were $10 different in price, basically zero people would buy the cheaper one. It kind of the defeats the point of having both options if they’re so similar in cost. If we ignore the actual cost to them to manufacture it though, then $50 feels on the high end of

Wallet card might have some small advantages over carrying a debit card, but I was referring to a credit card. Credit cards have a variety of advantages: zero liability, extended warrenties, rewards programs, etc.


You scared me for a minute, I thought you meant the processor sucked or something when you said the “internals” had issues.

I really like this two options idea. The 5X represents what Nexus always stood for: reasonably priced pure android without making sacrifices. The Nexus 6P seems to represent what last year’s Nexus 6, and their Pixel laptops and tablet, stand for: price is no object, perfected, best of the best in physical materials

So is the audio one literally exactly the same, just with a different output cable? I think I would have liked to see them just make one device, and add a 3.5mm port to it so you could use it audio only.

I want one so badly. Almost definitely buying one day one. I assume Pixel brand means same fast updates as the nexus brand?

Yeah. I majored in Mathematics and Economics in college, so I ended up doing okay with basic financing. But even then, if it weren’t for Lifehacker and Two Cents, I would probably be keeping all my savings in a savings account because I wouldn’t want to “gamble” on the market. But you guys, plus a bit of my own

That’s just “research”

In my experience, income is a bit taboo but rent is not. (I don’t have any friends with a mortgage yet, everyone I know is renting). It’s common anytime someone goes to someone else’s apartment for the first time to say something along the lines of “this place is pretty nice, how much is the rent?” I think it’s

True, but then you’re still carrying a card. The point is that ideally we could carry our phones and no wallet at all. Leaving your credit card at home and bringing your Google Wallet card instead offers no advantages, and actually a couple disadvantages, compared to just still carrying a credit card.

For Samsung pay and Apple pay yes, Android Pay not though since most Android phones don’t have scanners yet. With Marshmallow tomorrow though fingerprints will be relevant for Android Pay too. Not sure how it works though, might be possible in theory to scan your finger to unlock, then hand it to a waiter. Either way,

Sadly it’s chip and sign here in the states for now. That’s the standard as of this Thursday. No idea when chip and pin will be implemented, but it makes no sense to do this half assed chip and sign thing, stores need new chip readers anyway, we should just go all the way now.

Yeah, as of Thursay (November 1st) chip and sign will finally be required here in the states, so we’re halfway to catching up with where the rest of the world has been for years. No idea when we’ll be doing chip and pin though. So we might still be handing cards to waiters for a while.

Ah, yes that’s true, I hadn’t even thought about trying to put them inline (since I just make simple notes, I open up Google docs for anything more complex) but that means pictures is definitely still an area where it “falls short”.

You can add multiple pictures to a note in Google Keep, I’m pretty sure you have always been able to (as long as adding pictures at all has been an option).

Haha I’m well aware that they exist, but that doesn’t mean every establishment is going to immediately go out and get them. They probably won’t be completely everywhere until we transition to chip and pin, which will force them too.

Oh good point, for now chip and sign (which is stupid and I don’t know why we aren’t just going right to pin) could work at restaurants, but chip and pin will force them to do it with the customer, hopefully most places will make sure their new equipment can do NFC too.

Yeah all the ones I’ve seen just have a card swipe thing, no chip reader and no NFC. So they’ll probably have to replace them soon, now that chip cards are becoming standard. Someone wasn’t thinking when they started using these, it’s been less than a year since I’ve seen them start to pop up, and they already need to

Oh the app thing is a good idea. Though could get annoying if I need apps for everyplace I ever eat or shop.