
Let me start by saying I agree with your overall point, and do think that a lot of people end up wasting money by leasing when they would have been better off buying, usually because car salesmen make it confusing. However, you appear to have a bit of a math error. You conclude that the lease to-own will cost $623

So this is for people who don’t have anything better than their phone for a light... But they do have Photoshop. Sounds great.

Haha I know, I was mostly just poking fun at their insistence on staying on 10 for so long. But as mentioned in one of my other replies, it is true that Mac updates are generally smaller and more frequent, while window updates are larger and less frequent. So any update issues are more clumped together on Windows,

Haha I don’t remember, a decade ago I didn’t even have my own computer, there was just a “family” computer. That wasn’t a serious question, anything that long ago is pretty irrelevent when we’re talking about technology.

Except that this was a full version upgrade, not just a little incremental one. I’m guessing 8 to 8.1 went smoothly too, what makes this meaningful is it was 8.1 to 10 and went that smoothly.

I completely agree. The idea of lumping all screen time together is crazy, and there’s nothing inherently bad about screens. I grew up playing video games, and though my parents didn’t want me sitting in front of them 24/7, there were no specific rules. And when they wanted me to get off, they didn’t say “stop playing

You were swiffering wrong. 6 of each to clean a tiny apartment?

I agree with what you’re saying. They are selling it at the “correct” price, and they have boatloads of profits that prove that point. My point is that the value you get for your money is pretty bad with iPhones (and most Apple products) because they do have crazy high profit margins. They get away with this by

That’s irrelevant. A new iPhone starts at $650. If you trade in your old phone, that’s the same as paying the $100 or $200 that thy give you for it. And signing that contract, they get that $450 discount back easily, and more, over the life of your contract. You’re still paying $650 or more for the iPhone, the whole

Moto X 2014 all the way. It’s almost stock Android, and a much better size than the Nexus 6. I’m definitely biased though cause i love my phone and its custom back.

If the iPod touch is $200, then I’d say that 1, 2, 3, and 5 would justify the iPhone costing maybe $300. I have no concept of what 4 is worth, I’ll be a bit generous but realistic and say maybe $50, brining the price up to $350. Well that’s still $300 short of the $650 price of an iPhone. No idea what 6 is worth, I’m

The fact that it’s so similar to the iPhone, yet costs only $200, is just proof that the iPhone is a massive rip off.

Oh I’m not questioning their business motives. Overcharging so much for iPhones makes sense, from that perspective. Higher price means more profit, and people are buying them anyway. I’m just using this as a way to point out how insanely high their prices are compared to the actual “value”, for lack of a better term,

So if it has the same processors, same cameras, etc as the iPhone 6, and costs $200 compared to the phone’s $650, what does that extra $450 get you? Are they really charging more than tripple just to add the CDMA/HSPA/LTE etc. radios?

Zero. It’s about nothing, just like Seinfeld.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who was bothered by this

Im not sure I understand how this helps you put your phone down. All it does is tell you when you have a notification, so you can leave your phone in your pocket/on the table and know when you get something. But you can already do that, because phones can vibrate, light up, and ring. Smartwatch provide information you

It was a random Sunday afternoon, and I encountered a shiny in the wild, and destroyed it with my incredibly powerful Mega Charizard X.

Ah, yes I would agree with that in some circumstances. If your monthly budget has very little wiggle-room, then paying off one or two small ones first could be worth it so you have a little more flexibility to pay less some months if needed. But once you have an adequate emergency fund, and room in your budget for

I also recommend everyone pay everything automatically, don’t manually pay any bills. This removes the negative feelings from paying a bunch of separate bills. For example, my budget has one category for “student loans”, they are paid automatically, and I see that as one thing, even though really its three separate