
1 and 11 are completely pointless on Lollipop.

Someone is building a big cable-shaped coffin. Until recently, they only needed two more nails to finish it. They just hammered an HBO shaped nail in, so now there's only one nail left.

This is neat! A little useful even! Assuming the sound quality of the music is good, I would totally buy it... for $50. I might consider it for $100, if I really needed a new Bluetooth speaker anyways. But $400? No. Just no.

The controller is not a "solid Xbox 360 controller knockoff", because it's missing the best feature of Xbox controllers: the superior joystick layout. This thing is designed like a Playstation controller.

I didn't know they already had a specific IP address they were interested in, getting more info on one they're already interested in makes a lot more sense. Why are they trying to get a whole list out of GitHub then, and not just asking GitHub for information on that specific IP?

If this is the online equivalent of leaving a key under the doormat, then asking for the IPs of people who saw their GitHub is like getting a list of everyone who walked by the house. Maybe the perpetrator did walk by the house, but that list doesn't give you anything even remotely resembling "evidence" on who

Agreed. My parents never mentioned anything about money to me and my siblings. I'm pretty good with math and numbers, so I've been able to handle basic budgeting. But if it weren't the Internet, I would be in a much worse financial situation than I am. Doesn't matter how "smart" I am, if no one ever tells me what a

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Yes the video is silly, but I'm not trying to make fun of anyone here. I'm 24 and my hair is so thin it makes me look like I'm 50. So I buzzed it all off and I look way better now. This is one of those things that the more you fight it, the worse the problem becomes. So my advice is to just embrace it, follow the easy

Right now, the 3DS dominates the handheld console market. I think a Vita 2.0 would be doomed to stay stuck behind Nintendo, it'll take some real change to compete. So here's my thought for them: Android.

Yes it sucks that this is broken, but let's all take a second to appreciate that the game exists in the first place. There are a variety of old final Fantasy games available, and chrono trigger too. This is where retro games should be. Nintendo's virtual console is nice, but I'd rather have the old games on my phone

If you love Zelda as much as me, your first thought was probably a triforce. If the outer lines are full match sticks, and the inner lines are half a matchstick (with the other half of each matchstick sticking out the side) you have a triforce, which is 4 equilateral triangles, with some extra spikes on the side.

Of course we can't embed it, because Microsoft wants you to understand that they stream just as well as YouTube.

How is this one of their toughest puzzles? I've seen plenty of puzzles where there are some liars and some truth tellers, and they usually involve a lot of careful analysis. This takes 5 seconds to solve.

I was about to post the same thing. Actually their older charger is even better, my Motorola phone 2 years ago came with a similar two USB charger with folding prongs. My Moto X from a couple months ago came with the one pictured above, without folding prongs

Yes. This.

A lifehacker article posted today linked back to this article. And then I got sad, because I remembered the traumatizing day that Google Reader shut down.

I think you may have misunderstood what he was saying a bit. $530 is the price of the tablet (400) plus the keyboard (130). he's saying that for 530 you could instead get:

I understand why people complained about the long sentence, but the real evil sentence I think was the last one. The long "evil" sentence was at least clear in what it meant if you take your time. The last sentence is filled with ambiguity.

Ditto. Mario Kart 8 made it really tempting earlier this year, but with the recent release of Hyrule Warriors, the release of Super Smash Bros in about 3 hours, and the promise of a new Zelda game next year, not to mention the lower price point, buying a Wii U a few weeks ago was a no brainer.

I will probably get one at some point next year. I've been torn, I can't decide. As I read this article, I realized how much I just don't care about 99% of the differences, especially with their very similar game catalogs. So Xbox One it is, because come on Sony, your controller layout is awful.